Yeah im on holidays. not doin much. yes. that is all.
STOLEN from Brokenkiss. who yoinked it from drowningxfate... dont leave your stuff lying around..
-name:: Alison Kate Gellard YEAH WHOLE NAME!
-age:: 17
-gender:: Female.
-sexuality:: Straight
-nicknames:: Ali, Alz, Alzy, Al, Nosila
-like them:: Sure
-zodiac:: Aquairus
-are you emotional?:: Yeah at times..
-sensitive:: Sometimes
-ever been called bitter,cold..anything to that effect?:: umm only as a joke..
-hobbies:: Draw, Paint, listen to music, hang out.. blah blah oh and i used to play soccer..
-most overused phrase:: i dunno.... it changes alot.. lol..
-dislikes:: people, dragon flies, papercuts
-likes: Gigs, bling, music, paint, pencils, the word "doily" (i dunno how you spell it), drawing, peircings, tats, boys, friends,, hahah so many..
-have any tattoos:: no:(
-you want some:: yes!
::Yes or No::
-dates:: no
-love:: yes plz
-murder:: no
-rock music:: yes
-hardcore:: Yes
-Metal:: yes
-punk:: Yes
-reggae:: mehbeh
-goth industrial:: dont really no much of it
-pop:: RAH RAH RAH... oh cept christina... lol
-r'n'b:: Kill kill
-hip hop:: hells no
-jazz:: No.
-Bush:: No.
-reggae/pop:: reggae
-reggae/rock:: rock
-stag/yamaha:: wha? yahamah? yes that will do..
-coke/pepsi:: either
-tea/coffee:: Neither.
-blink/sum 41:: i dunno
-nirvana/chillies:: Nirvana
-good charlotte/avril:: Good Charlotte.
-korn/slipknot:: Korn
-movies/tv:: movies
-ocean/pool:: pool
-city/country:: city
-50/jay-z:: is kill myself and option?
-On oppisite sex?:: Hair, smile.
-Hair:: scruffy hair.
-Eyes:: i wish i had green eyes...
-clothing:: Black pants. band shirt.
-music:: i dunno. i just have my cds playin on random
-Tattoos:: yes plz
-Piercings:: my tunnels.
-ice cream flavour:: no ice cream.
-people to be around when you're happy:: friends?
-top 5 bands your listening to atm:: poison the well, distillers, korn, AFI, Brand New
-Places to shop:: i have no money
-instrument:: i play none. but would like to play gtar or somethin
-non alcoholic drink:: frozen coke
-alcoholic:: alcohol...:: drools ::
-drug:: weed.
-type of car:: one that goes.
-sport to play:: soccer
-sport to watch:: soccer.
::Do You::
-have a gf/bf?:: No.
-lover?:: no. cmon guys!!! start liking me.. lol
-hate to see happy couples?:: depends what mood im in
-have a car:: not yet
-have your own computer?:: Yup
-own a pair of birkenstocks? nope
-have secret fantasies about someone you know?(other than a lover or gf/bf):: not really.. i daydream tho.
-have big dreams?:: nope
-want children?:: i guess. but im worried coz i dont like kids, but i want some. but i dont want to have them then hate them..
-marriage?:: errr.. elope to vegas and get married by an elvis impersonator... :)its my dream... anyone up for it?
-have anger issues?:: yes.
-drink?why?like it?:: Like it, and its fun.
-do any drugs?:: Weed
-write? if so, what?:: on comp
-watch a lot of t.v?:: nah
-surf the web a lot?:: oh yeah
-surf?:: ive windsurfed but thats about it
-skate?:: haha i can, but no tricks.
-dance?:: around my room.. or if ppl are boring. then i dance. haha not well.
-like to be wet? don't be dirty:: hahah no rain wise. but swimmin wise
::Would You::
-go out with a best friend?:: i dunno. itd be comfortable.. but weird
-date someone after knowing them for 2 days?:: haha i did when i was younger. haha that didnt last
-write a suicide note on a public blog?:: No.
-bottle everything to keep from dragging others down?:: Yes.
-think someone was pathetic for doing the above:: No.
-ever cut?:: Yes.
::Have You Ever::
-been eaten:: bahaha what kind of question thing is this. but yes. adam ate a bit of boob skin that peeled of when i got all sunburnt and stuff. hahahah grossness.
-betrayed someone:: dont think so. hope not
-been betrayed:: i dunno.. ive felt betrayed but eh.
-been forced to do things:: clean my room?
-wanted to die:: yup
-done something about it:: tried
-made out in a public place? :: yes.
-performed on stage?:: ahhhhhhhhh yes. die.
-played on a team?:: yup
-been in a band?:: KHMCV bahahah oh kateh! :: throws cheese::
-Play an instrument?:: Yes. Flute. NO! I did not do that with it!
-had work published?:: No.
-lost it?:: in what way?
-been to a mental institute?:: No
::Last Part::
-are you a vegetarian? No.
-special eating rituals?:: Nah. put sauce on it?
-fussy about appearance:: Sometimes.
-are you in love?:: jdlaf;
-with how many people:: not with my comp at the moment.. grrr
-how many people do you love:: family and friends and stuff
-how many scars do you have on your body: dunno... i have a stupid one on my lip
-last time you had a haircut:: i cut off my mullet a few weeks ago
-last time you laughed uncontrollably:: umm the other night when maggie was over. hahah i laughed for 1.5hours.. hhahaha
-last time you cried:: watchin lilo and stitch
-over what?or..who?:: movie
-last time you didn't eat for a day:: haha i cant remember
-what's the compliment ppl give to you the most:: i dunno
-do you ever blame people?:: sometimes. unless im really angry then its everyones
-like to have control?:: i dunno
-want to be loved?:: yes
-need to be loved?:: is more a want.
-what are the things you can't live without?:: Music. Friends. Internet. lol..
-what is your scent?:: Oder' Alisonehbanookida.
-do you have obsessions:: i dunno
-Are you obsessive:: i guess sometimes
-are you sure?:: No.