I need to get this off my chest....
.This FUCKING sucks!
The second night of my weekend is going to be spent at FUCKING HOME!
I mean what the fuck!? my dad pushes me to get my P's so i get them...
Am i allowed to use his car? NO.
Does my mum let me use her car? NO.
I get told to hurry up paint the picture and get the car!
Number 1 its like 10 paintings on canvas. Number 2 i have to wait till my sis gets her car back!
I was goin to be hangin out wit adam. and hes like. "Ali, You wont have another night at home" and then i call him back and hes goin to the Slug n' Lettuce... this fuckin sucks...
I can't drive to neones house.. I can't walk because everyone lives to far away coz my fuckin parents decided they would split up and fuckin move into town.... and who is the one that is stuck with the crappy side of it... ME!
I hate this... I'm so pissed off...
Which gets me on to the subject of boys. And why the hell they never like me! its not fair.
Now im also pissed off about the fact that im being bugged to get a job... And that takes a while. and its like in three months im gettin an apprenticeship... even if i were to start tryin to get a job again id prolly find one in like a months time. then id only be in it for two months.. whats the point?... its fucked...
This is so crap. im about to burst out into tears coz im so stressed.....
I'm always being held back by something... Will anything good happen to me? i mean cmon!!!
now i have another night at home with only my dogs company.. which will mean ill get depressed... most likely about the things above and the fact that im fat (no1 can say im not coz im actually overweight for my height... so im fat. and im ugly and i hate it....