Title: Redemption Part 13/100
Rating: G
Prompt Set: 100.2
Prompt: 006. Thrive
Word Count: 518
Summary: Following Severus' path toward redemption, spanning from the First War to the Second War.
Previous Segments Stirring the rod in the liquid counter clock-wise slowly for exactly twenty-three seconds, he pulled the ladle from the drawer by his right side and took the rod out of the cauldron, while scooping up a portion of the foul smelling fluid. Slowly he turned the ladle slightly to the side and watched as the potion dripped in clumps back into the cauldron. He casually flicked his wand to turn up the heat up to melt the remaining clusters.
Severus stirred once again and checked the colour as it transformed from its bluish sheen to an opaque silver. A small smile flitted across his lips and he repeated his earlier actions by scooping up a ladleful potion, this time sniffing cautiously at the liquid. Then he let the potion fall in small droplets into the rest of the potion forming rippling circles that expanded until they reached the edge of the cauldron.
Even if the air was slightly noxious and the room was dark, pitch black unless the torches along the walls were lit, he felt at home here. Here creating and testing…and simply making potions, he thrived. Where he could not feel at ease other places, here in the dreary dungeons of Hogwarts he prospered. The only drawback was that he had to deal with the students, the ignorant, dunderheaded disasters walking around with their heads buried in clouds of hormonal overdrive.
He was pleased with watching the potions thrive under his attention and care, to see the ingredients transform from their original separated state to form a whole, which could benefit or detriment its drinker. He loved the subtle art of making these wondrous entities, of being able to make extraordinary things happen. He could, if he put his mind to it, brew glory. A rather useless thing he thought. Glory was for noble, self-sacrificing Gryffindors, who loved to be the center of attention. He sneered at the thought.
The potion bubbled and Severus turned down the heat, bringing the cauldron away from the low flame to let it cool off, before he would fill it into one of the vials he had put out on the worktable. Carefully he poured the cooling liquid into the small bottle and held the glass up in front of his eyes taking in the shimmering colour. Perhaps he could bottle fame, sell it to the highest bidder, though he was already doing so, by making potions few others could.
He cleaned the cauldron of the leftover residue potion and put it back onto the shelves, where he kept his personal items for potions making. He set the newly filled vial to cool further until it was ready to be shelved in his personal storage. Severus looked at the vial, he could certainly put a stopper in death, for a while at least. The silver potion now standing in front of him could postpone death by hours, allowing the healers to find a possible way of saving a life.
Severus gave the potion one last glance before exiting his lab and steeling himself for another class of dealing with insubordinate brats.