More art! A couple of HP sketches... One NWS, be warned, lol
After seeing the pic with Draco being sorted a friend said that I had to make one of Harry as well... it's not as elaborate, but I likes it. ^_^
There's a sketch of Bellatrix, she's still a work in progress on how I want her to look like, but she's getting there.
Err, yeah... Fenrir, practically nekkid definitely NWS. Actually this was supposed to be a pic of Fenrir as the lead singer of a rock band, microphone etc. And he was supposed to be followed by the other band members of the Death Eaters (working title for the band XP)Snape on bass, Lucius on keyboard, Macnair on Drums and uhh... I can't remember who was on the guitar... but anyway, instead of Rockstar!Fenrir it became Nekkid!Fenrir. Even though, I doubt that he would care.