School is starting in less than 6 days!
I have very mixed feelings about it all.
I've been reading other people's ljs & they aren't excited, they are disgruntled.
I don't know, I am so eager for it to start! & I want my schedule NOW!
I was just watching the 8th grade dvd & it makes me sad but inspired at the same time. Sad because I miss how everything was. I knew almost all of the kids in our class, & I was friends with most of them, too. Kaitlin & I were so close & had the more fun than anyone! I'm inspired though. Inspired to have a good sophomore year & to love everyone I have, because I won't have them forever. & I realized, Losing the friends I had in middle school, isn't as bad as never having them.
This entry is really confusing, blehh!
I want to have classes with:
Kaitlin, Nikki, Felicia, Alyse, & Gabby for sure!
Kaitlin: because we've had classes together since 6th grade, & we always have fun.
Nikki: because we've gotten so close last year & this summer, & I want it to stay that way.
Felicia: because I had so much fun with her & we've gotten really close as well.
Alyse: because that girl is so damn FUN!
Gabby: because she is amazing, & last year I looked forward to 2nd period with her, everyday!
I'm just nervous that I am going to change again, & I won't be able to fix it.
I'm happy to see everyone that I was supposed to see in the summer.
I'm nervous that I'm not going to like it.
I'm happy, I'm going to see everyone again!
I want to meet new people & make new friends!
I want my life to change, but I am afraid, too.
Why does starting school have to be so emotional?!?
ugh, so much left unsaid.