Baby A* BaBy a* & i l0ve hanging 0ut with Y0U* it remind`s me 0f the 0ld day`s. g0od time`s go0d time`s. i l0ve y0u so0o0o much <3 Thank-y0u f0r being here f0r me when i needed it m0st & y0u best kn0w that i am alway`s here f0r y0u. Yes we did get suspended but i h0pe n0t f0r l0ng. :-[ lol. i l0ve y0u!!
- Oh JiLL -- SuSpenDed We GOt! :-[ bUmmEr *lets out a wail* UgH hOPefULLy NOt FOr LOnG! YouR tRueLY amAzINg anD i LovE spEndIN EveRY mINutE wITH yOU! aFter All nO onE doEs iT beTTer tHan Us tWo BLonDes RIghT? i Mean No onE can HavE the TalkS we HAve -- and Man We`vE haD soMe MigHTy CraZi onEs! i caNt thAnk You EnoUGh For ComiN ARounD anD bEin THe OL jILL i x3 s0o muCh! -- aFTer ALL whaT are OLD frienDs foR? lol Old As iN 19 RIGht? hA d0Rk.
* i L0VE yOU foR aLL anD aLL anD aLL anD aLL aND aLL aND aLL thE daYs OF mY liFe *
Comments 2
<3 Jill
* i L0VE yOU foR aLL anD aLL anD aLL anD aLL aND aLL aND aLL thE daYs OF mY liFe *
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