
Jun 06, 2005 21:30

So SchOOL`S aLmoSt DonE-- thAnk gOd! SuMmEr wiLL be GreaT i BEt bUt it mEanS us girls BarEly HAngin OuT aGaIN -- thAts Just HoW it GoeS yAno! aNYhoW toDay Was finE - anD tomoRroW wiLL be Too .. LunCh wiTH somE OF the GiRls anD then Who KNowS - PizzA hUT in FeRrysBuRg if anYonE else WanTs to JoiN!

sO AnYHow IvE doNE somE thiNkiNG agaIN anD i ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

xoxkissiezxox June 7 2005, 01:40:23 UTC
WEll...i knoe im like on of the M*V*P's so...what color am i?!?!


xo_autumn_ox June 7 2005, 01:45:03 UTC
* heY nOW! *

wElL yoUd DefinAtly Be a YelLOwiSH coLor.. suCh aS buTTeR b/C evErytimE aT chEerlEadiNg YouD be THe fiRst to Say SomeThing aBout mY buTTerIN feeT! jK* hA lol Nah YouD dEfinaTly bE a shaDe of PurPle.. proLLy lIght puRple b/c your always calm! -- even if your mad, infact when i seen you yell one time.. your voice wasnt even raised.. eh ohwell ok so im done! lol i love you seana!


x_georgiegurl_x June 7 2005, 01:41:46 UTC
lol youre wierd.



xo_autumn_ox June 7 2005, 01:46:47 UTC
* ExaCtlY lol .. AnD youD deFinaTly bE an OraNgE in tHE boX oF craYonS b/c You SticK ouT maJOrlY in Any croWd! -- I`ll AlwayS knOW whEn YouR aRouND!


x_georgiegurl_x June 7 2005, 03:42:37 UTC
lol i wanna be the macaroni and cheese color.. I <33 it! hahaha

and you are right.. i pretty much do stick out in a croud since im so..
obnoxious lol


xo_autumn_ox June 8 2005, 00:22:38 UTC
lol ok goof ball you be whatever color you want! GEeSh lol -- You aRe a NooDle!


lessthanjke16 June 7 2005, 02:04:28 UTC
i agree with the drama thing.
We all start it (except for me of course)
no i'm totally kidding i know i have. :-/
but hey 3 more days and we can forget about it for a few months, right?
yeah we've had shit, love you though.<33


xoxjillyxox June 7 2005, 23:24:58 UTC
aAaWww Aut*
that was c0rny & cute.
Autumn i`m g0nna miss seeing y0u everyday this summer but s0mething tells me that we are g0ing to0 be getting a l0t cl0ser when cheerleading c0mes ar0und :D i`m s0 glad were d0ing it t0gether. we are g0nna hang 0ut this summer f0r sure to0. & me & Nic0le will c0me see y0u at y0ur restaurant :-P and y0u c0me see me to0.
i l0ve y0u aut and i can really h0nestly thank you f0r always being there f0r me since 8th grade and never lo0king d0wn 0n me f0r anything bad i did & just always helping me. Thank you you`ll always be one of the two true best friends i c0unt <3

i l0ve y0u always*



xo_autumn_ox June 8 2005, 00:25:08 UTC
WoW woW anD woW- JiLL anD i cAnt evEn begin To starT to Say hoW much YouVe heLpeD me AlSo! tHrouGh ouT the Thick Adn the Thin yOUve alWayS been theRe foR me evEn whEn we didNt taLK! "You Fight with the people that mean the most" AnD boy is that true! we`ve had a couple of thmem and look where we are now.. only with many more memories made! this summer is gunna be a blaste and i know we`ll hang out! feR suRe! And wheN cheErleadin comes around--- Ah MaN! :D i caNt waiT! dONt ferGet i`m alWays here for you no matter what!! i love you!


xo_autumn_ox June 8 2005, 00:22:07 UTC
Hey we all do it --> BuT iTs jUSt DuMb! We`vE haD ouR shAre Of MoMentS inDeeD.. LoVE ya Too Reg <3 aLwayS and FerEver i`ll BE herE no MAttEr whaT!


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