So SchOOL`S aLmoSt DonE-- thAnk gOd! SuMmEr wiLL be GreaT i BEt bUt it mEanS us girls BarEly HAngin OuT aGaIN -- thAts Just HoW it GoeS yAno! aNYhoW toDay Was finE - anD tomoRroW wiLL be Too .. LunCh wiTH somE OF the GiRls anD then Who KNowS - PizzA hUT in FeRrysBuRg if anYonE else WanTs to JoiN!
sO AnYHow IvE doNE somE thiNkiNG agaIN anD i
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Comments 10
wElL yoUd DefinAtly Be a YelLOwiSH coLor.. suCh aS buTTeR b/C evErytimE aT chEerlEadiNg YouD be THe fiRst to Say SomeThing aBout mY buTTerIN feeT! jK* hA lol Nah YouD dEfinaTly bE a shaDe of PurPle.. proLLy lIght puRple b/c your always calm! -- even if your mad, infact when i seen you yell one time.. your voice wasnt even raised.. eh ohwell ok so im done! lol i love you seana!
and you are right.. i pretty much do stick out in a croud since im so..
obnoxious lol
We all start it (except for me of course)
no i'm totally kidding i know i have. :-/
but hey 3 more days and we can forget about it for a few months, right?
yeah we've had shit, love you though.<33
that was c0rny & cute.
Autumn i`m g0nna miss seeing y0u everyday this summer but s0mething tells me that we are g0ing to0 be getting a l0t cl0ser when cheerleading c0mes ar0und :D i`m s0 glad were d0ing it t0gether. we are g0nna hang 0ut this summer f0r sure to0. & me & Nic0le will c0me see y0u at y0ur restaurant :-P and y0u c0me see me to0.
i l0ve y0u aut and i can really h0nestly thank you f0r always being there f0r me since 8th grade and never lo0king d0wn 0n me f0r anything bad i did & just always helping me. Thank you you`ll always be one of the two true best friends i c0unt <3
i l0ve y0u always*
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