haha kyla called me while I was on my way home today to tell me that...it was funny because she showed everybody the magazine because she said it's what she'd looked at all day in school, and then I was flipping through it, so I could have totally witnessed Sean Murray and failed...
OH MY GOD. i was reading teen people the other day, but i must have missed that!! i DID, however, see a full-page color photo of a girl in an IHA uniform...AND someone writing in asking advice from the same little town in connecticut as two of my pearlies...AND an article all about how you should never break up with someone via e-mail...oops...
and of course i'll be thinking about you and your grandpa rovel! xoxo
YAY MARRYYYY!!!!! :-D that would make me super duper happy since i cant go friday or saturday eitherrrrr <333 lemme know im sure ill talk to you later tonight
i really wanted to go but since the talent show is wednesday i think i'm gonna need thursday night to catch up on school work. (i'm way behind and its only tuesday - apparently i think i'm a senior...)
hahaha aww i know that feeling..its cuz you have a bunch of senior friends..itll pass lol. no matter what we need to hang out soon tho <3 and thannks<333
Comments 7
and of course i'll be thinking about you and your grandpa rovel! xoxo
and your grandpa's in my prayers!
and thannks<333
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