soo tired.

Sep 14, 2004 17:11

today was pretty good.. it seemed kinna long but oh well.. hmm this morning when i got there i showed kourtni my poster and she showed me hers. hers was cute mine on the other hand was umm ugly. hah, jk then kourtni was like "i have something for you" so i was like "okay" then she pulls out.. SOMETHING. cant rele say on here cos she mite get mad.. ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

bury_m3 September 14 2004, 21:26:32 UTC
what did kourtni give you that is so bad that you cant say?


xo_dumbazblonde September 14 2004, 21:29:17 UTC
its not like HORRIBLE.. but she didnt want me to tell anyone because she didnt want some adult finding out. IM me on my aim sn and i will tell you


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