(no subject)

Jul 10, 2005 15:20

I stole this from Amber Brooke Lane

x Full Name: Brittany Nicole Taylor
x Birthday: January 4 1989
x Zodiac: capricorn
x What time is it?: 6:22 p.m.
x What is the date?: July 10, 2005
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: Cole--i think?, lol
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x School: PHS
x Eyes: blue/green
x Hair: curly blonde with a lidl brown lowlights
x Height: 5'0"
x Shoe Size: 7
x Who lives with you? Mom & Dad
x When is your bedtime? anytime.
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: yeah
x Worn jeans: yea.
x Met someone new: dont think so.
x Done laundry: I can't do laundry, but i folded towells
x Cursed: Yeah
x Watched a Movie: "Eurotrip" & "Dead End" with Molly
x Went to the movies: No
x Went shopping: Yep, yesterday
x Gotten sick: No
x Been kissed: sadly , no =(
x Given a kiss: Nope
x Lied: umm i don't think so? hehe
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cause of weather: Yeah
x Lit yourself on fire: haha, i don't think so..
x Kept a secret from everybody: Yes
x Had an imaginary friend: nope
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: yea
x Cried during a Movie? heck yea. hasn't everyone?
x Had crush on an teacher? haha, nope
x Been on stage: Yes
x Cut your own hair: Yep
x Done drugs: No
x Seen a murder: No
x Seen a naked man in the flesh: uhh haha, maybe..
x Seen a naked woman in the flesh: sure.
x Wanted to have sex: sure have.
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Molly Shortt
x First real date: well actually Nicholas
x First real break-up: that meant anything Nicholas
x First self purchased album: Hanson, lol
x First piercing/tattoo: When i was a baby. .
x First enemy: uhm, i dont even remember.
x First big trip: Virginia Beach, i was 6
x First Kiss: humm..that meant anything Nicholas, lol
x First failing grade: Never had one =) tehehe ..
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: Maybe.
x Been sarcastic: haha, yea.
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: umm maybe
x Hugged someone: Yes
x Fought with your parents: kinda
x Got in an argument with your best friend: Dont think so.
x Laughed until you cried: yeah, Molly cracks me up
x Played Truth or Dare: Nope
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: Nope
x Went to the beach at night: i wish.
-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you: Tasha
x Slept in your bed: 'twas i.
x Saw you cry: umm i dunno...probably nicholas
x Made you cry: Nicholas
x Made you laugh: Molly
x You shared a drink with: Molly
x You went to the movies with: Justin..umm..it was kinda bad, i felt akward
x Went to dinner with: Molly
x Bought you something: Molly, my dinner, lol
x Sent you an email: umm no one.
-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white?: white
x TV or movie?: both
x Cat or dog?: aww, kitty's i love kitty's
x Walmart or target?: umm both
x Spring or Fall?: i like both
x Sun or rain?: haha, i like both too
x What are you gonna do after this?: probably call & see how tiff is
x What was the last meal you ate?: taco
x High school or college?: High School
x Are you bored?: very
x Last TV show you watched?: Date My Mom.
x Last movie you saw in theaters?: The Sister Hood of the Traveling Pants
x Last noise you heard?: T.V.
x Last smell you smelled?: my lotion
x Shampoo: panteen(sp?)
x Favorite color: Pink & Teal Blue
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: Summer
x Favorite Cartoon Character: Spongebob
x Favorite Fast Food: umm ..probably McDonalds
x Favorite Movies: Sweet Home Alabama My Girl, How to Deal & The Notebook[[even tho it makes me cry]]
x Favorite sport: i really don't like sports but softball?
---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: My hollister jeans & a florial strapless shirt
x Thinking about: shew, him*
x Listening to: Taking Back Sunday -- A decade under the influence
------------------------Have You Ever -----------------------
x Been to Canada?: Nope
x Danced Naked?: humm, maybe, lol
x Skinny dipped?: want to
x Stalked someone?: uhh, no?
x Snuck out?: haha, juss once
x Wished you were the opposite sex?: um no? ..
------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored?: Very.
x Are you lonely?: Yes =(
x Are you happy?: nope..
x Do you drink?: me & tiffany stole one of my brothers beers on the 4th, lol
x Who named you?: My mom i guess
x When was the last time you showered?: this morning
x What color pants do you have on right now?: light blue jeans
x What song are you listening to right now?: Taking Back Sunday, lol
x What color is your shirt?: pink & green
x What is right next to you?: my guitar.lol
x What is your computer desk made of?: Wood
x What are the last 4 digits in your phone number?: 7236
x Are you eating anything?: nope
x What did you do last night?: me & molly went out
x How are you today?: okay i guess
------------------------- Extras ----------------------------
x What book are you reading now?: Not.
x Nickname: juss britt...lol
x Pets: none
x Siblings: Tammy & Shannon
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: haha, nooooo. =\
x Taken any illegal substances: Yeah
x Gone out in public in your pajamas(where): nope sure haven't.
x Played ding-dong-ditch?: No, but i wanted to once. lol
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: yea.
x Did something illegal?: Yeahhhh ..
x Did you get caught?: uhm, i dont think so?
x Gotten arrested?: Never =)
x Gotten a ticket for something?: Nope.
x Prank called someone: Yes
---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: ahh... sometimes..
x Santa Claus: ahh maybe, lol
x Tooth Fairy: Never.
x Destiny/Fate: yes
x Angels: Yes
x God: Yes
x Bigfoot: wtf? haha no
--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend?: i did..lol
x Do you like anyone?: not really
x What's the best feeling in the world: Love.
x Worst Feeling: heart break.
x Worst fear: losing him & Death.
x Time now: 6:40
x Last car ride: back from sissy's
x Last good cry: hmm, this morning
x Last library book checked out: T0 Kill A Mockingbird
x Last beverage drank: Tea
x Last shoes worn: my polkadot flip flops
x Last thing bought: umm, my hair dye..lol [[ juss for my roots]]
x Last annoyance: umm i can't have what i want so bad*
x Last disappointment: i disappoint myself
x Last time scolded: umm idk?
x Last shirt worn: before this one? umm My Pound Wildcats Shirt
x Last website visited: my lj, lol

Well, I spend the nite with M0lly Friday nite...i meet her at the little red caboose & we went & watched stevie's play..it was sweet, lol..*
Then we went to the Park & ate some chips & stuff, lol..then we went & rented some movies then we wentback to her house & she dyed my roots...i love 'em....and we took some pics & stuff
omg we rented "dead end" ahh-- it the scariest movie i have ever seen in my whole life..i aint even jokin, lol...then we watched ..then we watched Eurotrip..we finally feel asleep at like 4...
then Saturday we went out to Fishtales and ate & walmart & a bunch of stores in that shopping center & we went to FoodCity & made fun of justin, lol...& i seen nicholas's mamaw & papaw..aww, i love them both they're so sweet...his mamaw was tellin' me how she thinks me & nicholas are soul mates, lol.i was like i dunno i kinda wish..& his papaw told me to come down and swim anytime i want to...lol..& his mamaw gave me the biggest hug & kissed me, lol..she's so sweet...but i still might go there & swim juss to visit his mamaw, lol....& omg these guys asked me & molly to go to some party , lol..we were like we have other plans..& one guy goes bull crap it was hilarious, lol....& molly got the shins cd..i like that band now, lol...but we had fun..& molly left for PN. today & she'll be back Wednesday...*

tears began to flood my face as i think of all the memories of us; how can this be; i didn't plan on falling in love with you; it juss happened..was it meant to be or was it juss a big mistake; & ohh darling i know you didn't plan on falling in love with me but you did & you fell hard; we were crazy about each other and so in love ..we grew in love & matured from each other..you always knew how to bring a smile to my face & i always knew how to bring a smile to yours & still i can't take my eyes off you & maybe we'll be friends, maybe we'll be together in the end...maybe we'll never speak but i want you to know, i am forever changed by you & you'll always be in my heart; no matter how mad we are at each other or how bad it gets; i'll always love you & think of all the memories we shared when we were in love how you loved to tickle me & tackle me in the snow & how softly you touched me while you kissed me; your my first love & thats never going to change & i'm your first love; you can't deny that & how your making up lies is lame but go ahead hate me & say whatever you want..i'll still love you..but i was good to you
even tho i do still love you ; i'm so lettin' go
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