Your lungs have failed and they're both stopped breathing
My heart is dead its way past beating
Soemthing has gone terribly wrong
I'm scared, you're scared, we're scared of this
I never thought we'd make it out alive
Yea school has sucked a lot this week... I took my geometry and history SOL. they were fucking hard as crap. I failed my geometry SOL with a 365.. how pathetic ? yea i know. i hate math terribly. im good in every subject but math. Algebra is the best. i went through algebra with no problem at all. and almost passed advanced in that SOL.. but geometry. haha thats a different story. i was bummed out about it at first but o well theres nothing i can do about it. i will just take it again next term.... Other then that school has been okay. but this week in general has been hell. =/
i dont even know what im gunna do this weekend. i think me and lacey are gunna do something tomorrow. and i may get my hair cut cuz it needs a cut badly. im gunna cut it shorted than i did the first time i think. i dunno then. i havent dyed my hair since maybe the beginning of the year. it has faded a lot so i think im gunna redye it tooo. I am probably gunna end up having to do a lot of work around the house because we are getting ready to put it up for Sale in a few weeks. Our house will be done in April. it's a really pretty house i like it a lot. luckily i will still be going to liberty even though im not suppose too. but my mom has it all worked out somehow ? anywaysss
Jeffrey is the greatest boyfriend ever. he picked me up from school today and he was like "oh o need to go pee" so he stopped at a gas station but then came out with a Sprite (my fav drink) and Reesie Peesies (sp?.. i was craving them). Aww i love it when he suprieses me he is WONDERFUL !!!! and beautiful.. I LOVE U JEFFREY
i hope i did okay on my history SOLs. but usually the SOLs are harder then the classes. cuz yea. its stupid. i get by in all my classes SO easily. minus geometry.. grr even though i understand the stuff we are doing now. so i probably have a chance of passing the test.
Aww stiney made me the most beautiful sign today =) i love her !!! i must go hang it up
okay i think im gunna go now. i dont have anything else to say really. other than the fact that flipped blocks suck cuz the days go by SOO slow. but THANK GOD i have a normal scheduel tomorrow. and i get to eat lunch with STINEY AGAIN !! YAAAY