blah blah blah
blah blah blah
blah blah blah
YEaaa sooo i am really bored and i just tried too update this thing but it deleted all my shit! >:o. yea. so im just gunna tell yall whats been going on these past 2 days. cuz. i have nothing better to do!
Friday I babysat for most of the day and then i just finally came to the conclusion i wasnt gunna go out or do anything and then Jeffrey called me and asked me to go to the movies. So We were gunna go to the movies but then plans changed to bowling, and then they changed back to the movies!. haha anyways. We went to Joshs b4 we went to the movies and hung out, and then Me, Jeff, Travis, Josh, and Clay all went to see Man of the House yea i thought it was really stupid and not worth $9.25+ sooo.... after that i came home and slept!
Saturday(today) i woke up pretty early and just lounged around the house. around like 1 i started to get ready for my stepdas surprise party and then Jeff got to my house around 3:20 and we left to go to my moms friends house and we got there probably around like 3:50 or w/e we just hung out with everyone until 5 when my stepdad got there. he was very surprised. it was nice. Me and Jeff hung out with Linsday and Christina (my sisters) and Lindsays boyfriend, we played some pool and i suck haha. Jeff left around 9 to go to kevins for zachs party thingy or something and then me and christina left after that. we went to go see Hide and Seek. the movie got out at like 11:45 and then we came back to my dads cuz my sister is watching my dad and stepmoms cats. And Hide and seek was a pretty suspensful movie, and weird and we had to come back to my dads big scary house with all these windows.. phreaky
yea i dont know what im doing tomorrow, i might hang out w/ jeff or my stepdads parents since they are in town.. but w/e we shall see
goodnight ♥