(no subject)

Jan 02, 2005 18:03

|| BASICS.. ||
:x: name = Megan.
:x: piercings = None. Scared.. lol.
:x: height = 5'5
:x: shoe size = 8½
:x: hair color = brown w/highlights
:x: siblings = 2 sisters, 1 brother.

|| LAST.. ||
:x: movie you rented = Get Over It & Mean Girls last night.
:x: movie you bought = Cinderella Story & Mean Girls. (i wasn't at home when i rented it;) )
:x: song you listened to = Lose My Breath // Destiny's Child
:x: song that was stuck in your head = None right now.
:x: cd you bought = Uhm.. I normally just burn them.
:x: cd you listened to = Scotty's.
:x: person you've called = Lyndsay.
:x: person that's called you = Mi madre.
:x: tv show you've watched = She's All That is on now.
:x: person you were thinking of = Uhmm.. I don't really know? lol.
:x: girl you cried over = I don't cry over girls. lol.
:x: guy you cried over = Eh, no comment.

|| DO.. ||
:x: you have a crush on someone = Something like that.
:x: you wish you could live somewhere else = Yep.
:x: others find you attractive = Some do, some don't.
:x: you want more piercings = ears. once I get over that fear.. lol.
:x: you like cleaning = No.
:x: you like roller coasters = Yep.
:x: you write in cursive or print = Print. but when it gets sloppy it turns into cursive. lol.

:x: long distance relationships = Depending on what age and stuff. If you're young, don't even bother. If you're older and considering marrying this person, and as long as you're not apart long, which I guess isn't a long distance relationship any more? lol
:x: using someone = against.
:x: suicide = against.
:x: killing people = against.
:x: teenage smoking = well, I'm not for it, but I think it's you're choice.
:x: driving drunk = Definitely not a smart move.
:x: gay/lesbian relationships = I'm not against it, so more power to you.
:x: soap operas = I'm not for or against?

|| HAVE YOU.. ||
:x: ever cried over a girl = Maybe? lol, not any time recent though?
:x: ever cried over a boy = Alright fine. But I cry over a lot of stuff..
:x: ever lied to someone = Yeah, but I usually get caught =/
:x: ever been in a fist fight = Only with my siblings.
:x: ever been arrested = No.
:x: thought you were going to die: No.
:x: been kissed? Yeah.
:x: how many times? Lol, I didn't keep count..
:x: wanted to run away: Yes.
:x: flunked a grade: No.
:x: skipped a grade: No.

|| WHAT.. ||
:x: shampoo do you use = Big Sexy Hair.
:x: shoes do you wear = Sneakers for school, but everywhere else, flip flops.
:x: are you scared of = I used to be scared of alot of things.. but I kind of over came alot of it.

|| NUMBER.. ||
:x: of times I have been in love? = None.
:x: of times I have had my heart broken? = Never had it broken.. dented a few times I would say's more like it.
:x: of hearts I have broken? = I don't think I broke anyone's heart.
:x: of girls you've obsessed over who wouldn't date you = Not a dyke.
:x: of times my name has appeared in the newspaper? = Never. =/
:x: of scars on my body? = Back of my head from when I slipt my head open =O and when I had surgery on my face.. lol. It's a small scar on my cheek.
:x: of things in my past that I regret? = Try not to regret mistakes, just learn from them.

:x: pretty - Nah, not really.
:x: funny - sometimes maybe.
:x: hot - no.
:x: friendly - No.
:x: amusing - Maybe? lol
:x: ugly - I wouldn't say ugly, but I'm not pretty either?
:x: loveable - Probably not.
:x: caring - I care about the people who matter to me.
:x: sweet - No.
:x: dorky - I guess so. =P

|| FAVORITE.. ||
5 letter word: Megan.. DUH=)
Actor/actress: Joshua Jackson, Adam Brody, SO HOTT=) Kate Hudson.
Candy: Hmm.. I LOVE white chocolate reese's .. =P & starburst!=)
Cartoon: = I like Kim Possible.. lol=)
Cereal: I don't like cereal.
Chewing gum: Big Red.
Color(s): Light Blue & Light Green I guess.
Day of week: Saturday..?
Least fave day: Tuesday.
Flower: I don't know.
Jello flavor: Red. lol.
Jewelry: Anything pretty=) lol.
Book that you never get tired of: I don't have one.
Summer/Winter: Winter=)
Trampolines or swimming pools: Trampoline=)

Slept in your bed: Me.
Saw you cry: My Mom.
Made you cry: My Mom.
You went to the movies with: Lyndsay & Brittini.
Yelled at you: My Mom.
Sent you an email: I don't even know.
Kissed you: EWWWW.. I'm going to go with my Dad on the cheek. Cause I'm not going to think about THAT.. EWWWW
Hugged you: Bethany.

|| LAST.. ||
noise you heard?: Tv.
smell you sniffed? Dinner.
time you went out of state/province?: A WHILE ago.
time you said I Love You? Lol to Lyndsay.
time you ate: 10 minutes ago.
time you excersized: Me Bethany & Lyndsay went walking in the park today! XD lol.

Said "I love you" and meant it?: No one other than family.
Gone out in public in your pajamas: Last night, we were craving ice cream at midnight=)
Kept a secret from everyone: Yeah
Cried during a movie: Yes
Ever at anytime owned new kids on the block stuff: No.
Planned your week based on the TV Guide: No, I just tape my shows=)
Been to New York: Yes I miss it!=(
Been to Calififornia: No.
Hawaii: No.
China: No.
Canada: No.
Europe: No.
Asia: No.
South America: No.
Australia: No.
Wished you were the opposite sex: Yes, boys have it much easier.
What time is it now?: 554 pm
Apples or bananas?: Apples.
Blue or red?: blue.
Walmart or target? I Love Target=)
Spring or Fall?: Fall
What are you gonna do after you finish this?: Go pee. I gotta go! =)
What was the last meal you ate?: Dinner 10 minutes ago.
High school or college?: College. Hopefully no drama=)
Are you bored?: Not so much.

Do you believe in love at first sight?: More like infatuation at first sight.
Do you want children one day & if so, how many?: Yes, 2 or 3.
Most important thing to you in a friendship is: Loyalty.

|| OTHER.. ||
Criminal record?: No.
Do you speak any other languages?: I know some spanish.
Last book you read: Their Eyes are Watching God.
Name some of your favorite things in your bedroom?: Bed, Tv, Computer.
Worst feeling in the world: Rejection.
Who you love: My family and my friends.
Who you miss: =/ =/ =/

|| OTHER.. ||
Nickname(s): Meg, and other variations.. lol.
How old do you look?: 16/17 I guess.
How old do you act?: Depends on my mood.
Glasses/Contacts: Neither.
Braces: No.
Do you have any pets?: Yes, my puppy.
You get embarrassed: Yeeeeaahhhh... =)
What makes you happy?: People telling me nice things=)
What upsets you?: Everything.

I Love to ... sleep!
I Miss ... ::sighs:: Scotty.
I Wish ... things would just go back to the way they were.
I Hope ... things would just go back to the way they were!!!!
I'm Annoyed by ... my mom.
I Am ... a bitch.
I Want to Be ... nothing other than me =)
I Would Never ... I don't even know?
I Have a Desire To ... go pee!
I Am Tired of ... immature, arrogant bitches=)
I Will Always be ... Me =) lol, obviously.=)
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