¿am i lovely?

Dec 27, 2004 19:18

[.:BaSiC iNfO:.]
1.)name- Victoria .aka. t0ria
2.)age- 15
3.)relationship status- single :)
4.)location- Michigan Baby.
[.:Do YoU?:.]
1.)do drugs or alcohol? ive tried some...and ive had drinks. but im not an alcoholic or a druggie.
2.)do you smoke (anything)? no.
3.)love someone? my friends and family :)
4.)belive in santa? of course i do! :P lol.
1.)color- lime green
2.)song- right now, truth is - Fantasicia.
3.)movie- Big Daddy, Dirty Dancing, 10 Things I Hate About You, Honey, Save The Last Dance
4.)subject in school- haha, lunch :D no..ummm..english probably.
5.)type of clothes- whatever is comfy. mainly jeans and cute shirts...i love jerseys.
1.)What makes you lovely? my straight forward attitude about things, and my outgoing personality.
2.)Why do you want to be here? becuz im lovely :-) and because i think i can bring some flava. :-)
3.)What's your favortie thing in your room? My huge monkey stuffed animal on my bed :)
4.)How did you hear about us? Promotions.
5.)where is your favorite place to shop? Target, Marshal Feilds, Olds Ball Park * i love jerseys * Wet Seal...where the cute stuff is :)
6.)who is your hero? i dont really have one, but i love Mariah Carey.
[.:EiThEr Or:.]
1.)cats or dogs- dogs.
2.) cell phone or computer- hmm, i want both...computer i guess.
3.)blondes or brunettes- brunettes fo sho!
4.)pink or yellow- pink.
5.)american eagle or abercrombie? Abercrombie.
6.)TV or radio- TV
7.)Mountain Dew or sprite? Mountain Dew :D
[.:wHaT dO yOu FeeL sTrOnGLy AbOuT?:.]
I feel strongly about alot of things, one being Abortion, in my opinion, i think that there are plenty of things out there that you can take to prevent yourself from becoming pregnant, and there are soo many woman that are not capable of having kids even when they want some, why abortion, adoption is always another choice. At least give the baby a chance..
Gay Marriages- I hate what the government is doing, why should someone be told who they can and can not love, as humans, we have rights, where in the constitution did it exclude happiness and freedom to marry whom-ever.?.
*those are just .my. opinions tho <33

[.:PrOmOtE iN AtLeAsT ThReE PLaSe AnD sHoW PrOoF!:.]
1) http://www.livejournal.com/users/cheerinbabee21/36492.html
2) http://www.livejournal.com/users/wr0ngimpressi0n/169686.html?view=940502#t940502

[.:PoSt A PiCtUrE hErE!:.]

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