What time is it? 645
*Name*: elizabeth
*Nicknames*: liz
*Parent's names*: bill&maura
*Number of candles that appeared on your last birthday cake*: 13
*Date that you regularly blow them out (birthday):* april 22
*Pets*: dog
*Height*: about .. 5'6
*Eye color*: bluish greayish greenish.
*Hair Color*: dirtyblonde? brown?
*Piercing*: 3 in each ear
*Had the drink Calypso Breeze*? nope
*Been in love*? nope
*Been toilet-papering*? haha no
*Loved somebody so much it makes you cry*? notpe
*School*: ?
*Where You Want To Live*: not sure in NE though
*How Many Kids You Want*: 2?
*girl names*: ---
*boy names*: ---
*What Kind Of Job You Want*: lawyerish
*You Want To Get Married*: yeah
*Makes You Laugh The Most*: allie?
*Do You Go To For Advice or To talk About Things*: GJ friends
*Who Do You Hate*: .. :x
*Knows The Most About You*: GJ friends i guess
*Is Your Best Friend*: allie
*Has It Easier, Guys Or Girls*: guys.
*Croutons or Bacon Bits*: crouton
*2 doors or 4 (on a car)*: 4
*Mr. Pibb or Dr. Pepper*: wtf is mr. pibb
*Coffee or Ice-cream*: BIOTH.
*Shampoo or Conditioner*: shampoo?
*Bridges or Tunnels*: uhhhm. neither.
*One pillow or two*: 8
*Adidas or Nike*: adidas?
*Nike or Reebok*: nike?
*Adidas or Reebok*: adidas?
*Rock*: on
*Green*: pants!
*Wet*: rain
*Cry*: sad
*Peanut Butter*: good
*Salad Dressing*: italian
*Color of socks*: neon pink & green & orange
*Memory*: alot
*toothpaste*: ciniman?
*Food*: chicken & french fries haha
*Song at the moment*: alot
*TV show*: one tree hill
*Toothbrush*: uh what does this matter?
*Subject in School*: la?
*Flower*: rose
*Color*: baby blue
*Sport to Watch*: baseball
*Country Song*: hmm. i like a few?
*Sesame Street Character*: cookie monster?
*Disney Character*: eeyore
*Warner Brothers*: dont know
*When was your last hospital check in*: liek when iw as 7?
*Do You Drink*: alcohal or not?
*How many times did you fail your permit and Drivers License Test?*: havent taken it yet
*Where do you see your self in 10 years?*: living
*Who is the last person that you got mail from before this one*? this isnt mail.
*Have you ever been convicted of a crime*? nope
*Which single store would you choose to max your credit card*? FYE.
*What type of car you drive now*? i dont drive stupid
*What do you do most often when you are bored*? go on the computer?
*Name the person that you are friends with that lives the farthest away from you*: theres a rew
*Are You In A Gang Or Club*: hahaha most defintly
*Motorcycles*: sure
*What Is Your Favorite Kind Of Clothes*: hoodies & pjs
*Are You Close Minded*: ive been told so
*Are You Open Minded*: eh/
*Are You A Player*: haha. HECK YAZ.
*Can u be in love w/2 people at the same time*? maybe.
*Bedtime*: depends
*Humiliating Moment*: oh god, definatly the time in NY where we had to dance with beyonce at the muesum. people watched. it was horrible/
*Who do you think will respond to this fastest*? uhhh.
*Who is the person you sent this to that is least likely to send back*? ----
*what time is it now*: 653
*whos most likely not gonna read this*: ----
1. Pierce your nose or tongue? tongue
2. Be serious or be funny? both
3. Boxers or briefs? boxers
4. Whole or skim milk? whole?
5. Single or Taken? single
6. Simple or complicated? simply complicated
7. Law or anarchy? huh
8. Flowers or angels? flowers
9. Grey or gray? gray
10. Read or write? read
11. Color or black-and-white photos? both
12. Sunrise or sunset? sunset
13. M&M's or Skittles? skittles
14. Rap or rock? rock
15. Stay up late or wake up late? hmmmm BOTH.
16. TV or Radio? radio
17. Is it POP or SODA? soda. duh
18. X or O in Tic-tac-toe? X
20. Eat an apple or an orange? apple
21. What came first the chicken or the egg? chicken
22. Hot or Cold? clod
24. Tall members of the opposite sex or short? talll
25. Sun or moon? moon
26. Emerald or ruby? emerald
28. Left or right? left
29. 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? 1 best friend
30. Vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? chocolate
31. High or Drunk? drunk i guess
32. Green beans or carrots? uncooked carrots
33. Low fat or fat free? dont care lol
34. What is your biggest fear in the world? losing loved ones
36. Kids or no kids? kids. maybe.
37. Cat or dog? dog
38. Half empty or half full? half empty
39. Mustard or ketchup? hmm mustard
40. Hard cover books or soft cover books? soft
41. Newspaper or magazine? magazine
42. Sandals or sneakers? sandals
43. Wonder or amazement? amazement
44. Red car or white car? white
45. Happy and poor or sad and rich? happty & poor
46. Singing or dancing? singing
47. Hugging or Kissing? both
48. Corduroy or plaid? um neither.
49. Happy or sad? happy
50. Purple or green? umm green?
51. A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? lifetime of friendship.