(no subject)

Apr 27, 2005 16:11

[Section 1 - Basics]
Name: liz
Age: 14
Gender: female
Height: likkkke 5 6ish?
Weight: NO.
Ring size: like, 8 lmao i have huge fingers :(
Pants size: RAWR.
Shirt size: depends on the store & kind of shirt, duh
Shoe size: like 8 - 9 .. ?
Piercings: ears, 4 in one ear & 3 in the other, butttt i want more haha
Tattoos: none
Hair color: brown
Hair length: uhhh layered.
Eye color: it changes from blue / grey / greenish
Zodiac sign: TAURUS.
Chinese zodiac sign: uhmmmmm
Body type/size: whats with these questions
Birthday: april 22
Birthplace: norwood mass
Place now: attleboro mass
Race/ethnicity: white, but i like to pretend im black ahaha.
School and grade/year: brennan, 8th
Natural hair color: brown
GPA: dddddddaaaaaaaaa
Blood type: ummm. like i dont know
I.Q.: i'm genius
Do you excercise: if basketball counts haha, oh & gym
Are you healthy: psh
Fun?: i can be
Serious?: when i wanna be
Sarcastic?: a tad bit too much sometimes
Funny?: sure
Pretty?: uhhh no.
Good-looking?: i dont think so
Beautiful?: nope
Optimistic?: sometimes
Smart?: i guess
Opinionated?: yah
Outgoing?: sometimes
Shy?: yeah, until you get to know me
Unique?: i guess
Sweet?: sweeet like candy to my soul, sweet yo rock & sweet you roll
Hyper?: at times
Talkative?: yeah, when theres simething to talk about
Creative?: ehhhh
Imaginative?: kinda
Gloomy?: not really
Happy?: sure
Depressed?: everyone gets depressed once in a while
Silly?: sometimes
Loud?: sometimes
Quiet?: sometimes
Dependant?: not really
Loyal?: yeah
Truthful?: most of the time
Clever?: sometimes
Confident?: no
Annoying?: Ihahahha yyyyyeah
Artistic?: lmao, DUH
Musical?: haaa. hell yeah
Poetic?: uyhhhhhh
Charming?: no
Wise?: haha
Special?: MY MOMMY THINKS I'M SPECIAL. bahhhhahah. that was funny, you hadda be there 8-)
Sensitive?: yeah i can be
Lustful?: youure addicted to the drug of lust
Sexy?: haaaaa.
Horny?: no
Loving?: yeahh
Lazy?: mhm
Normal?: nope
Psycho?: yesss
Goofy?: haha yeah
Brave?: i can be

[Section 2 - This or that about you]
Righty/lefty: righty
Glasses/contacts/none: none, but i need em for one eye haha
Punk/goth/prep/thug/none: dont frrrrrrrigggen label me rawr
Innie/outie: innie
Tan/pale/average: average , but i can get pretty tan in the summer haha
Freckles/none: none

[Section 3 - Family]
Mom's name: maura
Dad's name: bill
Siblings/their names/their ages: rob, ummmm 15
Dead family members: geema, grandpa, and some others
Do you live with your siblings?: yeah
Parents married/divorced/neither?: married
Parents together/separated/dating/none?: togetherr
Do you have any stepparents?: nope
Ex-stepparents?: no
Do you have any children of your own?: YEAH
If so, what are their names and ages? If not, do you want any?: WILSON, HE IS A RED BEAD

[Section 4 - Favorites]
Color: light blue
Food: ummm, cheese fries i guess
Drink: twister, orange cranberry clash
Candy: starburst
Flavor: chocolate
Movie: cinderella story, notebook, thirteen
Band: allllllot.
Show: one tree hill, & everwood
Game: payday babbbbbbby
Element: YO.
Music type: mostly rockish stuff, & some emo
Actor: chad micheal murray
Actress: not sure
Month: april
Season: spring
Holiday: easter
Shampoo/conditioner: ummmm, citrus smoooothie =)
Song: alot
Number: 18 i guess. JOHHNNNY BABY<33
Phrase: MY GOSH !
Word: i donnnnt know
Magazine: seventeen
Restaurant: olive garden
Sport: basketball, basball
Language: uh english
Girl's name: dunno
Boy's name: ummm
Flower: yellow rose..
Country: america?
Weather: thunder & lightening always fun, but so isnt a nice day

[Section 6 - Friends]
Would you consider yourself "popular"? no
Would you rather have a lot of friends or a few good friends?: aa few good friends
Who is your best friend?: ummm i'm not sure right now..
Do you have a lot of friends?: not really, but i'm RADD! like that
How many good friends would you say you had?: theres beeen a good amount
Are you a good friend?: i try to be
Has anyone ever told you that you were a good friend?: yeah
Has anyone ever told you that you were a bad friend?: yeah
Do you tend to be more outgoing or shy?: with friends, oputgoing
Do you consider yourself to be better than your friends?: no
Do you consider you and your friends to be better than everyone else?: no
Do you think your friends ever get tired of you?: some of them
Do you ever get tired of your friends?: some of them
Do you like to make new friends?: yeah
Do you talk a lot? yes
Are you nervous when you talk to people? um not really
Do you ever say your someone's friend just to make them feel good?: no
Do you ever lie about who your friends are? no
Do you ever play people as friends to make yourself look good?: no

[Section 7 - Love]
Do you believe in love?: sure
Do you believe in love at first sight?: maybee
What is love?: love, it's unexplainable
Have you ever been love?: no
Are you now?: no
Have you ever told someone you loved them?: no
If so, were you telling the truth? If not, would you? rawrrr
Are you married/divorced/neither?: niether
Are you with someone/single/dating/none?: single
Do you believe in soulmates?: i guess..
Could you ever fall in love with someone of a different religion?: yeah
Different ethnicity?: yeah.
Same gender?: no
Different political views?: yeahm i guess. i'm quite stubborn though
Do you love certain material possesions?: not really
Certain hobbies?: yeah
Your friends?: i love my friends
Your family?: i love my family
Yourself?: uhm
Do you have a crush?: not at the moment
Do you date people just because of how they look?: no
Do you care how people look?: not really
Would you date someone who was sweet even if they weren't good-looking?: yeah :)
Would you date someone hott even if they were assholes?: no
Would you date someone who was nice to you but asshole to others?: ehhhh.
Would you date someone for their money? no
Would you use someone?: probably not
Have you used someone?: no
Have you dated someone just for their money?: no
Have you ever dated someone who was sweet but weren't good-looking? no
Have you ever dated someone who was hott even though they were an asshole?: no
Have you ever dated someone who was nice to you but an asshole to others?: he was only to sommmme people haha
Would you ever date someone because you were desperate?: no
Have you?: no
Would you ever date someone for sexual reasons?: no, it wouldnt be a date then
Have you?: no
Would you ever have an internet bf/gf?: no
Have you?: no

[Section 8 - Politics and such]
Are you a democrat?: i dont know
Or a republican?: ---
Or independent?: ---
How do you feel about abortion?: only under like TWO circumstances,
-if the girl was raped and doesnt want the baby
-or if somehow, the baby was killing the mother & itself

Gay marriage?: you love who you love..
Smoking?: i dont do it , but whatever
Marijuana?: again, i dont do it but whatever
Drugs?: whatever
Illegal immigrants?: whatever
Premarital sex?: if you;re in love
Porn?: um,no/
Alcohol?: go for it. just dont get in a car when youve been drinking :)
Racism?: no.
Whores/prostitution?: haha
Cloning?: no
Suicide?: ehhhh i dont like it
Death penalty?: YES
Religion in government?: no
Our president?: i dont like him, but i dont hate him, either way, we'd be in war with iraq or we'd be attack a million times whoever the president is
Downloading music?: whatever
Burning CDs?: i do it =)
Welfare?: i dont know, i guess it depends on the peoples situations
Animal testing?: no.
Gambling?: dont care
School uniforms?: nnnnnooooo

[Section 9 - Religious beliefs]
What religion do you practice?: Catholic
Have you ever practiced a religion besides the one you practice now?: no
Has someone ever tried to force you into believing certain things?: no
Has someone ever tried to force you to practice another religion?: no
Do you go/have you been to religious gatherings?: I have been to church & cccd
What religion are your parents?: were all catholic
Do your parents care if you practice the same religion as them or not?: i dont know
Do they know what religion you practice?: uh yeah
Are you open about your beliefs?: yah
Have you ever lied about your religious beliefs to look cool?: no, how stupid would that be
Do you believe a superior being exists/ existed and created life?: yeah
One God?: yeah
Many Gods?: no
Does God/do the Gods have a gender?: i've always thought of him as a guy.
No God?: there's a i kinda forget what that is, that was like.. in 6th garde gaga
Heaven/Hell?: yeah
Jesus?: yeah
Angels/demons?: yeah
Spirits?: yeah
Ghosts?: ehhhh
Reincarnation?: maybe
The trinity?: yeah
Miracles?: yeah, did you not see the red sox come back from an 0 - 3 series to win it, then win the WORLD SERIES1!?
Aliens?: no
Magick?: no
Witchcraft?: no
Tarot?: no
Psychics?: no
Vampires/werewolves/other?: no
Prayer?: yeah
Rituals?: idk
Love?: yeah
Fate?: yeah
Predestination?: haha big wordddd
Horoscopes?: no
Astrology?: i dont know
Superstitions?: yeasss
Luck?: yeah
Energies?: huh
Familiars?: ...
Sacred animals?: no
Animals are superior, inferior or equal to humans?: equal
Initiation ceremonies?: uhhm i forget what that means
Night and day differ for a religious reason?: huhhhh
Ethnicity making someone superior/inferior to others?: no, thats discrimination
Does your religion forbid anything?: some things
Do you dress certain ways to express your religion?: no
Do other people assume what religion you practice by what you wear?: no
Are humans/animals naturally good/evil/neutral/depends?:uidk
Do you meditate/fast/chant/other?: no
Do you believe/agree with everything about your religion?: not everything
Do you believe you're right and no one elses religion matters?: no
Do you ever doubt your religion or religious beliefs?: i have sometimes
Do you believe in yourself: no
Are you open to other religions?: sure
Do you feel superior to people who don't believe the same things as you?: no
Do you think everyone should practice your religion?: no.
Do you even believe in anything?: yeah
Are you interested in learning about other religions?: not reallty

[Section 10 - Animals]
Do you have any pets?: yeah
If so what are they? If not, do you want any?: a dog
What kind of pet would you like to have?: PENGUIN!!!!
What is your favorite color on animals?: lmao sweet question
Do you believe people should keep pets?: yeah
Should all animals be free?: they are free.
Do you enjoy animals?: yess
Do you like taking care of animals?: yes
Do you animals keep you company?: yes
Do you kill animals?: no.
Do you hunt?: no!!
Do you hate animals?: no
Do you think animals have feelings?: yeah
Do you like small/big/all/no animals?: mostly big.
Do you think animals are treated poorly?: some are, but mines a spoiled brat & i love her :)
Do you wish you could change the way people act towards animals?: sometimes

[Section 11 - This or that]
Big/small: who cared
Cat/dog: dog
Black/white: BLACK & WHITE
Coffee/tea: coffee
Pepsi/coke: niether, but i guess pepsi
Soda/other: other
Wine/beer: beer
Pulp/none: none
Scary/comedy: ummm sappy chick flick :)
Books/magazines: bother
Noise/silence: depends
Winter/summer: botttth
Autumn/spring: i like bothhhhh haha,m but spring
Summer/spring: spring
Winter/autumn: autumn
Night/day: night
Hugs/kisses: both
Life/death: life
TV/movie: umm depends
TV/book: if its a good book & nothings on.. then a book
Fruits/vegetables: bothhh
Meat/vegetables: vegetables
Cigarettes/alcohol: alcohol i guess
Cold/hot: id rather be cold than hott
Normal/different: depends
Male/female: male, girls are wayyy to bittchy & bring too much drama, plus guys are hottt :)
School/none: none
Red/blue: blue
Smart/fun: both
Love/hate: love
Salt/sugar: sugar
Chocolate/vanilla: chocolate
Evil/good: good
Clean/dirty: clean
Angel/demon: angel
Sunrise/sunset: sunset
Punk/goth: punk
Punk/prep: punk & prep
Goth/prep: prep
Truth/lies: truth
Citrus/tasteless: citrus
Cake/cookies: cake
Sun/moon: moon
Rain/snow: hmmmm
Piercings/none: peircingsss
Short/long hair: depends
Brand name/couldn't care less: both haha
Pool/ocean: i love the beach
Pen/pencil: pen
Sports/none: sports
Wet/dry: dry
Bath/shower: shower
Fireworks/glowsticks: fireworks
Lick/bite: haha nice question
Naked/clothed: haha depends on the person.
Internet/phone: both

[Section 12 - Education]
Do you go to school?: yeah
Have you gone to school?: yeah i still do
What's your level of education?: GENUIS
Do you like school?: the people i like, learning i dont
Learning?: no
Have you ever been homeschooled?: no
Would you rather be homeschooled?: no
Would you rather go to public or private school?: public.
Have you ever skipped school?: i faked sick?
Faked sickness to get out of school?: yes
Been suspended?: no
Expelled?: no
What's your favorite subject?: uhmm social studies or LA
Least favorite?: math & science
Your schedule, block/periods/neither?: periods
What are your grades generally like?: like.. a-'s lol
Do you have many classes with your friends?: i guess
What classes do you want to take?: dont know

[Section 13 - What makes you]
Happy?: friends & music
Sad?: seeing other people i carea about sad
Laugh?: funny things
Dance?: music!
Sing?: good songs
Scared?: spriders, hospitals, elevators
Look good?: idk?
Feel good?: msuic
Feel bad?: uhm bad things
Cry?: fights
Jealous?: i dont really egt jelaous? unles syour with the gorgeous guy that hhhhhhottttttt
Envious?: GRREEN.
Scream?: scary things
Angry?: ugh ALOT.
Smile?: friends, red sox, johnny damon, warm towels that just got out og the dryer
Blush?: embarassing things
Sleepy?: anythuing im always tired
Excited?: johnny damon
Nervous?: reading an essay infront of the class
Hungry?: when im hungry..
Thirsty?: runnig around alone
Feel lonely?: grrr
Sick?: other stupid peoeple
Mean?: when i guet pissed
Want a hug?: when i need one
Want a kiss?: same as above
Bored?: when theres nothing to do
Feel strong?: i dont know
Feel important?: idk

[Section 14 - 1-10 Rating, How important is/are]
Friends: 10
Family: 10
Music: 11
Love: 9
Happiness: 8
People: 5
Silence: 2
Animals: 9
Education: 8
Religion: 7
Life: uh 10?
Medication: 8
Food: 9
Sleep: 10
Health: 9
Wealth: 7
Nature: 5
Shopping: 8
Fun: 8
Comfort: 9
Water: 7
Sex: like, 15 , cause i like being a whore
Clothes: 8
Alcohol: 0
Cigarettes: 0
Computer: 8
Phone: 8

[Section 15 - Have you ever]
Went skinny dipping?: no
Done drugs?: no
Drank alcohol?: yes
Played strip poker?: no
Climbed a tree?: ive tryed
Fallen from a tree?: no
Bungee jumped?: no
Been to Disneyland/world?: no
Been stung by a bee?: ugh yeas
Pierced yourself?: well ive gotten my ears peirced. but i didnt do it myself
Sky dived?: no
Rolled your tongue?: no i cant
Made a four leaf clover with it? yes
Skiied?: No.
Run into a wall?: yeah
Been on an airplane?: yeah
On a train?: yeah
Fainted?: no
Thrown up on purpose?: no
Eaten an insect?: no
For no reason?: no

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