
Mar 22, 2004 09:23

Teddy died this saturday, I saw him on friday standing in his drive way. I saw his car on my way to Daytona, it was flipped over and all crushed up. I cried all saturday and now I'm crying again. He lived down the street from me. I had the BIGGEST crush on him in 8th grade, I've known him since 5th. I miss him. This morning when he didn't get on ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

hey anonymous March 24 2004, 18:12:12 UTC
You know what.. I think EVERYONE had the biggest crush on teddy..lol no really. everyone i talk to.. I know how you feel.. i saw him on Friday to. I walked rigth past his house. I stoped for a sec to tease him and Travis for always showing off ont heir skateboards..lol..they did..I now what you mean when you say he didn't deserve to go.. He didn't..he was a GREAT kid..out of anyone on the bus it shouldn't have been him...Hell i would rather me die than him..to many people loved him..... Are you gonna go to the funeral???? Im afraid to go over His house..I mean..i don't know any of his friends from school. We all know him from the neighborhood....On monday i went to this thing at the school for him and all his school friends were there...but no tom (his BEST FRIEND) i didn't understand it.. I got mad cause all the people there were like..." you shouldn't be here...your not his REAL friend.." i was like screw you..I cared about him...How would they know if I was his friend or not..I didn't really say that but you get what im saying.. ( ... )


xo_winxy_xo March 26 2004, 12:17:35 UTC
ummmm I'm guessing that this is jesse........but yeah anyways....Tom was at the thing you must have been there at a different time or something.


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