def bored so imma add some pics... ill have more later<3 enjoy!
me and jonathan at six flags<3
gangsterrr. haha-- me and jonathannn
haha meee
close up- ew.gross! but look at jons eyes...they are b e a u t i f u l =) i love em!
whata cutieee! that my bF..=) love u jch!<3
i made it small for an icon so its blury =/
def. needed the flashhh!
my lil brother and lil cusin in front of our g.grandpas sign at buforddd. theyre adorable!<3
nicole- its she beautiful? i love her to death<3
nicole and taylor-- her lil sister. i love em bothhh =)
ah, my gurl steph- shes so gorgeous! i love u hun and so glad we got so closeee<3 xox
well thats all for now- ill have more later probably<3 love yall
loveee. xOx-