101 in 1001

Jan 13, 2010 10:36

SO I will not be dividing this up like everyone elses 101 lists. I hope to remmeber to make a link so it will be easier to start keeping track of this. That being said I do need some more items to add to my list.
Please feel free to throw out suggestions.

Date started: January 13th 2010
 Finished date: October 12 2012

1. take 6 new crafty classes  (  /6)
2.eat from the pantry for 30 straight days (  /30)
3. plant a kitchen garden for  spring/summer
4. plant a cooks garden for fall/ winter
5. take a yoga class once a week for 2 months (  /60)
6.work out on wii fit 3 days a week (    /429)
7. drop 5lbs
8. drop 10lbs
9.Go to Austin
10.attend 4 street faires/ festivals
11.go to 6 museums (  /6)
12. Make  a full victorian out for myself and wear it to event.
13. attend dallas costumers guild event in a new  costume
14. ride my bicycle one a week for 1/2 hour for 6 monthes (   /6)
15. during spring/ sumer bike to work once a week (     /24)
16. Finish a Knitted caplett or shawl
17. attend a theater performance
18. visit a amusment park
19. sit down and write a snail mail letter to 2 friends once a month(   / 32)
20. vaccum the house once a week for 2 straight months (   / 60)
21. clean the freezer for 3 straight months (   /3)
22. maintain eyebrows for 4 months (  /4)
23. Buy a house
24. Have a kid
25. vist the Bay Area and see friends
26. Road trip to Margot
27. Teach a friend to make a garment
28. update etsy account 1 a month for 6 months (  /6)
29. sell my stuff to on a another website
30. buy 4 Brand lolita pieces (    /4)
31. volunteer with a local charity a day
32. do a detox
33. Start a craft blogg
34. get another tattoo
35. Do 200 sit ups
36. save a dollar every week (    /143)
37. attend a proper high tea service
38. make christmas stockings for  Stacy,Me, and kitties (   /3)
39. Send friends a card for the hell of it once a month (   /33)
40. Learn 12 new cupcake/ cake recipes(   /12)
41. spend one day a week with out any computer or tv (    /143)
42. attend two authors  book readings (  /2)
43.send a 3 friends a book of a new author i have discovered  (   /3)
44. buy myself flowers once a week for a month    (  /4)
45.update my LJ 2x's a month  (    /46)
46.have someone give me a make up lesson
47. go to the Fort Worth Zoo
48.buy myself a NICE piece of lingerie
49.get a vintage burlesque style photo of me taken for S
50.Pass my MIT test @ work
51. score over 95 on 3 audits at work (  /3)
52.make curtains for my sewing room
53. keep said sewing room clean for 3 months straight  ( /3)
54. sort all my fabric
55. sort my pattern collection
56.watch 10 foriegn films (  /10)
57.read 12 classic books (   /12)
58.keep mona groomed for a whole summer (   /3)
59.make a christmas tree skirt
60.make a regency dress for me
61. buy a new bra every month for 1 year (   /12)
62.frame all comic con artwork
63. finish a quilt
64.get work office organized
65.have a picnic by the lake
66. give S  5 massages for a whole hour (  /5)
67.make a 40's house wife dress
68.get a professional tarot reading
69.go to a spa
70.organize my patterns
71. give up caffeine for a month
72. sell the patterns i purge from my collection on esty or ebay
73.post a dress to dress dairies
74.make my "bringing back goth in gothic lolita" outfit
75. purge my clothes closet
76. do a 18th century outfit
80.Make time to go on a date w/ S

101 in 1001 list

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