So I just finished reading Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. My face is all red and puffy from crying so hard.
I can't deny that I saw the whole Harry leaving Hogwarts thing coming. It started out that J.K. Rowling was going to write the seven books for each year that Harry was at Hogwarts. But after this last one, that would have left her only one more book! By leaving Hogwarts, that leaves her with a limitless number of forthcoming books (and revenue) for Rowling. Hey, I'M NOT COMPLAINING! *grin*
I'm finished with my World Religions class... and came across this humorous little legend. And as I clearly mention sex ALL THE TIME, I'm not going to pass up a chance to do so:
Descending from heaven to this island, Izanagi (similar to Adam in Christianity) asked his spouse Izanami (similar to Eve) as to how her body was formed. She replied, "My body is formed in such a way that one spot is not filled." Then Izanagi said, "My body is formed in such a way that there is one spot which is filled in excess. How would it be if I insert the portion of my body which is formed to excess into that portion of your body which is not filled and give birth to the land?" Izanami replied, "That would be excellent." Then Izanagi said, "Let us then walk around the heavenly pillar and meet and have conjugal intercourse."