1. What is your full name?: April Marie _____
2. Nicknames:Apez, Ape, Apey, A-Po, Apy, Apezter, Apetizer, and sooo many more
4. Age?: 14
5. Sex?: female
6. What is your social security number?: so you can steal my identity? yeah right
7. Where do you live?: Schaumburg
8. What school do you attend: Schaumburg High School
9. Siblings and their ages?: real sisters- Anna; 13, Jenny;23 Brother In Law- Mike; 29 tomorrow
11. Zodiac Sign?: Taurus
12. Righty or Lefty?: righty
>~~~~~~YOUR LOOKS~~~~~~~~~~~~
13. Hair color?: blondish but im dying it brown/red/blonde soon
14. Eye color?: brown :-/
15. Height?: 5'6ish
16. Do u wear contacts or glasses?: both
17. Do you have any piercing?: ears and i did have my belly button
18. Where do you want one (or more) if you do?: my tounge
21. What shoes do you wear?: either my pimp nikes, or my sugar ones
22. Do you have a certain fashion you follow?: not really
~~~~~~~~~JUST LATELY~~~~~~~~~~
23. How are you today?: tired and full
24. What pants are you wearing right now: glow jeans
25. What shirt are you wearing right now?: a black and gray striped one
27. What does your hair look like at the moment?: shitty and up...i need a shower
28. What song are u listening to right now?: Alison Krauss; You say it best
29. What was the last thing you ate?: i just had mcdonalds; Crispy Chicken
30. How is the weather now?: Cold
31. Last person u talked to on the phone?: My sister and Brother in law
32. Last Dream you can remember?: haha katie knows
33. Who are you talking to now?: a few people
34. what time is it?: 410 pm
**More about YOU!**
35. What are the last four digits of your phone number?: 1483
36.what color would u want to be?: pink or black
37. Have you ever almost died?: yes
38. Do u like the person that sent u this: ehh i dunno
39. How do u eat an Oreo?: w/milk or i twist it apart and eat the cookie first lol
40. What makes u happy?: my friends and jon
41. What's the next CD you are going to buy?: i dont know...i normally dont buy cd's
42. What religion are you?: Catholic
43. What's the best advice ever given to you?: that when times get rough with my family to always look to my friends for help...man i love em
44. Have u ever won any special awards?: umm i won the Turkey Trot in like 5th grade
45. What are your future goals?: i set too many goals to name but right now its a mission for katie and some others lol
46. Do u like to dance?: yeah!
47. Worst sickness u ever had?: Rhodo (dunno if thats how u spell it but thats how you say it) Virus... Mono was prety bad too though
48. What's the stupidest thing u ever done?: ha! i do stupid things every day!
49. What's your fav. memory?: When I was younger and best friends with ALexis...i miss her so much :-/ i think i should give her a call in cali
50. If u could change one thing about yourself what would it be?: nothing because then i wouldn't be me
51. Where do you like to shop?: at a store lol
52. How many kids do you want to have?: 3... have 2 and adopt 1
53. Sons names?: dunno
54. Daughters?: dunno
57. What's your fav. material?: hmmm i dont know
58. What sport do you hate the most?: no offense but bowling lol
59. What are you most scared of?: loosing everyone close to me
60. How many TV's do you have in your house?: 5
61. Do u have ur own phone line?: nope..i wish
62. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?: sometimes
63. Place for a dream home?: new york, or on the beach in Rhode Island...i love that place
64. Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured a bone?: pingers, toes, my left heal 8 times, and i stress fracted all the bones on the top of my left foot
65. Who do you dream about?: i dont know
66. Who do you tell your dreams to?: katie
67. Who is your loudest friend?: Steph!!
68. who is the quietest?: hmm i dunno we're all pretty loud
*******just questions******
69. Is cheerleading a sport?: yes
70. How many licks does it take to get to the center?: depends
71. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?: hmm im not sure...you tell me
72. Do you believe in Love?: yes but it takes awhile
73. Do you have a crush?: yes
74. Who is your crush?: jon =D
77. Where would you like to go on your honeymoon?: not sure...different country
78. What song do you want played at your wedding?: never thought about my wedding
79. What's the first thing you notice about the opposite gender?: personality if i talk to them other wise, arms or eyes
81. Are u shy to ask someone out?: yes....im a girl i dont have to
83. Do you find yourself attractive?: no
84. Do you find yourself ugly?: no
85. Do others find you attractive?: thats what they say
87. Do you believe in Love at first sight?: no
**^~*^~*Which is worse?:*~^*~^**
88. Having your tonsils or appendix removed?: well ive had my tonsil removed and it wasnt THAT bad...and i think appendix cuz tonsils is laser surgery and you get to go home the same day
90. Long or short hair?: depends
91. Curley or strait?: depends again lol
92. Tall or short?: tall
93. Six pack or muscular arms?: both?!? lol
94. Good or bad?: not the innocent type but not liek REALLY bad
95. Hat or no hat?: whatever looks good
96. Ears pierced or not? doesnt matter
97. Tan or Fair?: doesnt matter again
98. Dimples?: depeneds on how they look
100. Rugged or sport?: ehh i dont know
101. Studly or cutie?: depends again (ui guess im not that picky lol)
102. Accent or not?: depends on how it sounds
103. Glasses?: depeneds
104. Smart or dumb?: smart
105. What sport should be played?: they dont need to play one
106. Dependent (whipped) or independent?: independent
*******Pick ONE: THIS OR THAT*******
133.Lights on/off?: Off
134. Do u like snow, sun or rain?: sun
135. Mickey D's (McDonalds) or BK (Burger King)?: Burger King
136. Do u like scary or happy movies better?: both
138. On the phone or in person?: person
139. Paper or plastic?: plastic
140. Pepperoni or sausage?: sausage
141. Summer or winter: summer
143. Chocolate or white milk?: chocolate
144. Root beer or Dr.pepper?: root beer
145. Glass half full or half empty?: time for a beer run =D
146. CD or Tape?: CD
147. VHS or DVD? DVD
148. Cats or Dogs?: I like both cuz i have both
149. Mud or Jell-0 wrestling?: Jell-0!!!!
150. Vanilla or Chocolate?: Vanilla
151. Skiing or Snowboarding?: i've only been skiing but i wanna snowboard this year
152. Day or night?: night!
153. Cake or pie?: pie
154. Silver or gold?: silver
155. Diamond or pearl?: diamond
156. Sunset or sunrise?: both
********Your FAV'S**********
157. Color?: pink
158.Food?: chinese
159. Fast Food?: bk
160. Candy?: i dunno i dont eat much candy
161. Beverage?: water
162. Ice Cream Flavor?:Cake Batter!
163. Animal?: Frog
164. Fav. type of music?: just what i listen too
165. Fav. radio station?: Q101, 94.7 or 99.5(country)
169. Fav. Actor or Actress?: ehh i dunno
170. Fav. day of the year?: My bday or Xmas
171. Fav. month?: June
172. TV Show?: i hardly watch tv but one tree hill is really good
173. Store?: hmmm i dunno
174. Scent?: taco dip lol
175. Teacher?: Mr. Polanco...man its been 2 years and im STILL his favorite student! lol
176. Board Game?: BalderDash
177. Saying?: Fuck
******hAve yOU Ever**************
178. Loved somebody soooo much it makes you cry? no i have never be in love
179. When was the last time you cried and why?: i dont remember
185. Stolen something?: yes =/
**On a FiNal NoTe**
190. Do you like filling these out?: they're fun