-x-Have you done any of these in the past 6 months?-x-
[drive] Yes.
[dance] Maybe..?
[kiss someone that you aren't related to] Yes.
[wear make-up] Yes.
[dye your hair] No.
[go shopping] Yes.
[go on a vacation to another country] nope.
[listen to music] Yes.
[stay up till 12 a.m. or later] Yes.
[sleep over] Yes.
[go to movies] Yes.
[get an autograph from a celebrity] nope
[go to a school dance] Nope, there hasn't been one that I could go to since Homecoming.
[gave somebody a present] Yes.
[spend time with a senior citizen] Yes. My grandparents.
[talk on phone] Yes.
[download something on the computer] Yes.
[watch a music video] Yes.
[go over a friend's house] Yes.
-x-Do you prefer?-x-
+ coke or pepsi? coke
+ watching TV or listening to music? It depends on my mood, but probably listening to music.
+ cell phones or AIM? Cell phones, I think.
+ kisses or hugs? Well, it depends on who they're from.
+ bubble gum or sugar free gum? Bubble gum.
+ coffee or tea? Tea.
+ McDonalds or Burger King? Burger King usually.
+ night or day? Oh, night.
+ summer or winter? Summer.
+ Blogring.net or Soup-faerie.com? What in the world?
+ Pac Sun or American Eagle? American Eagle .
+ If you were asked out to the movies,what would you see? Right now.. It'd probably be Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(As soon as it comes out.)
+How long would your ideal first kiss be? Just long enough to want more.
+ What do you want in your dream guy? hmmmm
+ What holidays would you spend with your dream guy? Probably all of them.
+ What do you picture as a perfect wedding? In a big church
+ Would you want an older or younger guy? A tiny bit older. Like a year. =)
+ Who is the hottest celebrity? Oh gosh, Johnny Depp!
H a v e Y o u E v e r . . .
Done Drugs: No.
Ran away From Home: No.
Hit A Boy: Yes.
Stolen Anything: No.
Broken A Bone: no
Cheated On A Test: Yes.
Lied: Yes.
Cheated On A Boyfriend: nope.
Gotten Drunk: No.
Been With Two guys/girls At Once: Ew, gross, no.
Been In The Hospital: Yes, when I got my adenoids out and in outpatient in august 03, when I got my bellybutton pierced.
Let a friend cry on your shoulder: Yes, of course.
Gone to Church: occasionally.
Never slept during a night: Yes.
Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: No.
been to a camp: Yes.
Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: Yes, I think.
Seen someone die: Thank God, no.
Gone a week w/out shaving: Hahaha, yes.
Didn't wash your hair for a week: Gross, no.
Broken something valuable: I don't think so.
Thought you were in love: I don’t know
Streaked the streets: no
Screamed at someone for no reason: Yes.
Said I love you and meant it: dunno
Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: Kind of.
Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: Yes.
Pulled a prank? Yes.
Made fun of someone? Yes.
I n t h e l a s t 4 8 h o u r s h a v e y o u . . .
cried: Yes.
bought something: no
Gotten Sick: No.
said I love you: no
wanted to tell someone you loved them but didn't: No.
met someone new: no
moved on: No.
talked to someone: Yes.
had a serious talk: I don't think so.
missed someone: Yes.
hugged someone: no
kissed someone: no
fought with your parents: no
dreamed about someone you can't be with: No.
had a lot of sleep: Yes.
1. Do you wear spike bracelets? No.
2. Do you wear jelly bracelets? No.
3. Do you wear converse? yes
4. Do you wear black nail polish? No.
5. Do you wear band t-shirts? sometimes
6. Do you wear skateboard companies? No.
7. Do you wear surfing companies? "Hollister Surf Company" One of my Hollister shirts says that, so I guess so.
8. Do you wear dirtbike companies? No.
9. Do you wear striped shirts? Sometimes.
10. Do you wear solid polo shirts? Yes.
11. Do you wear chokers? Not really.
12. Do you wear lock necklaces? What's that?
13. Does it take you five minutes or less to do your hair? No.
14. Do you wear eyeliner? Not usually.
15. Do you use a backpack or messenger bag? During school.
16. Do you wear darker colors? Not really.
17. Do you wear neon colors? Kind of.
18. Do you wear 'what's in' or stick with your old jeans? Well, I'm kind of a sucker for what's in.
19. Do you wear sweatshirts and jeans? Occasionally.
20. Do you wear knee socks? sometimes
21. Do you have character shoe laces? No.
22. Do you have drumsticks but don't play? No.
23. Do you have guitar pics but don't play? No.
24. Do you have the Nightmare Before Christmas on tape or DVD? Yes!!
25. Do you have the Breakfast Club on tape or DVD? Yes.best movie ever
26. Do you have 16 Candles or Pretty in Pink on tape or DVD? No, but I really really really really want sixteen candles!!
27. How many CD's do you own? A lot.
28. How many DVD's do you own? A lot
29. How many tapes do you own? A few.
30. How many piercings do you have? 3, each ear and my belly button.
31. How many tattoos do you have? Ew, none.
32. Do you write your name a million different ways on 1 blank sheet of paper? Yes, during school at least.
33. Do you draw a lot of pictures of hearts? Yes.
34. Is the volume on anything that plays music in your house really loud? Sometimes.
35. Do you stay up late to watch Invader Zim? No.
36. Do you sing out of key purposely when your hyper? No.
37. When a song comes on you like do you rock out? It depends.
38. Do you push buttons multiple times? Yes.
39. Do you draw with white out on a lot of stuff? Not usually.
40. Do you color your nails with sharpies? No.
41. Do you sit there listening to songs and relate the lyrics to your life? Oh, yes.
42. Do you pick one song and learn all the lyrics? Yes, sometimes.
43. Do you daydream a lot? Yes.
44. Do you share lockers with your friends? No.
45. Are you distracted by shiny objects? No.
46. Do you know where every sharp object is in your house? No.
47. Do you play DDR constantly? No.
48. Do you write on your skin with pen? Not often. I write on other people though I drew fake tattoos on Amy l during science,
49. Do you bite your nails? Yes.
50. Do you update your live journal daily? Not daily, but pretty often.
51. Do you have more guy then girl friends? Yes.
52. Watch FUSE 24/7? Hm, nope.
53. Do you have a favorite pillow? Yes.
54. Do you have oversized stuffed animals? Yes.
55. Are you secretly in love with your friends older brother? No.
56. Do you play with lighters? Oh, I love to!
D0 Y0U WANT T0 ...
57. Be in a mosh pit? Mayb.
58. Go to a party your parents would never approve of? yep
59. Go to Warped Tour? I dunno. I guess.
60. Runaway from home? No.
61. Tell everyone off? No.
62. Go to California with someone you love? Aw, yes. I want to go to Cali so bad!
63. Have a practical president for once? Yes!!
64. Make peace with an enemy? Yes.
65. Make out with someone from a band? I do all the time.
66. Buy out Pac Sun or Hot Topic? Not particularly.
67. End this survey? Yep.