Friday Night - Chaos, DanO's, Pissed off, Home, Screaming baby in the woods, Giant Owl, Mt. Watchusett, DanO Fought, Emergency Room, Witnessing funniest shit in the entire world, Home, Nick Passed out, Sleep at 6 in the AM
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Fun weekend. Friday went to the movies in Worcester with Chris, Mike, Nick, Steph, Kristy, her friend, Ben, and Chad. We saw the Ring 2. HAH what a joke. worst movie ever.
wow wow wow waaaay to much has happened this week, i don't remember half of it. Monday somehow I wound up with Linds and Chris and we went and visited Kristy at work. We wrote her a lovely Valentine on her car in the snow. Then we went to Dan's house, for a bit. Tuesday Chris and I went to Dan's to clean. Chris made the kitchen look amazing.
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I love this year. I love being able to honestly say that I love my life. I love life period. I always hoped that I would continue to just live, do whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. No looking back, no regrets. And I'm glad that I am still owning up to that. Because I would be so disappointed in myself if I allowed myself to not live life this
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