So monday was my birthday, my one and only ture love jessica came and stayed the night with me, and then had dinner with the fam and what not opend presents & shit.
then went out with the girls and some people and had some fun ;)...
school starts monday
Uhh dear god.
here some random pictures bitches.
My Nigga <3
My Other Nigga.. in the orange.
My One And Only Love! i was so happy to see her!
Then i got ice cream cake in my hair :(
Yeah i look like shit. but i had jsut got back fromt he dentist and was in pain :(
&& her. that was from a while ago..
we werent uhh, "with it" at that moment.
its hard to see, but thats a poster of ym cousin Chelsi
dont know why but just felt like putting that on here? hahah
well im off to gay ass poms.