Christmas wish list for 2006

Nov 22, 2006 00:58

Hello. I don't have much. But I try and help out as many people as I can, especially around the hoildays. I never really made a wish list. But I thought this was very neat. So, I am giving it a try...

1. To own a house so My family and I don't ever have to move again...we have tried just about everything to own...but no luck.
2. To own a Van So it wouldn't be hard to go to New York and see my kids and bring them down to visit in North Carolina. I really miss them..especially around the hoildays
3. For My baby girl to have a good christmas with me losing my job last month, things have been extermly tight and I can't seem to get a job anywhere.
4. To have my bills paid like i said. i lost my job. and its just been really tight.
5. A cell phone I am really tired of the pre-paid phones...they cost way too much.
6. Some new clothes and shoes Its been awhile since I got to get something nice for myself.
7. To have a pretty smile I have real bad teeth and I hate smiling
8. For all the homeless people to have a Good Warm Cooked Meal
9. Cute Post Cards or Christmas Cards Its always nice getting mail thats not a bill :)
10. I really want to get into shape...I want one of them Slender Tone Ab belts I heard they really work :) or at least a year or even a month to go to the gym!

I'll try my hardest to help as many as I can out this year. It's hard right now. But I am going to try my hardest :) I hope everyone has a Safe and Happy Holiday :)

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