Title: I Love You, Farewell
Status: One-shot: Completed
Pairing: broken!KyuMin
Genre: Drama (I don't really know), AU
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I don't own any of the Super Junior members. If I owned them, I would have never written this fanfic.
Summary: Relationship, THE END.
Sungmin sat quietly, his eyes fixed on the cup of coffee that he held nervously. To others, he would look gravely dejected but no, he wasn't sad. For all he knew, he was just tense yet he doesn't know why. His senses told him that it was probably the arising tension that made him feel that way and yes, the deafening silence between them did not help at all.
Since he arrived, Kyuhyun had not spoken a word. Sungmin only felt his eyes, the pair of eyes that he loved, look at him with such seriousness. There was no hint of emotion in the younger male's face and it only made Sungmin not to look at him. Kyuhyun was never like this, he told himself. "There's something wrong. There must be."
Kyuhyun, on the other hand, sat calmly as he tried so hard not to feel pity as he watched his lover look at him with deep emotion in his eyes. Has he sensed that, sooner or later, his heart would be in such pain that no one could ever ease it? Does he know what Kyuhyun's reason was into meeting him out of the blue? No matter what the answer is, Kyuhyun believes that he has no reason to back out, with no way to escape. For him, it was fate that made him do this in the first place.
The silence was still dominant There was no audible sound other than Kyuhyun's heavy grunts and sighs. Sungmin was sure that any minute by now, he would go berserk and be crazy. He started to mentally curse in frustration as he wished for the younger to utter a single word, just one. Perhaps, the heavens above heard his plea for Kyuhyun suddenly cleared his throat and sighed once more.
The mentioned man looked up only to meet the loveless eyes of his lover. Why was he so cold at a time like this?
"We're done," Kyuhyun bluntly told him. Sungmin helplessly sat in front of him, too stunned to move, while he tried to process everything in his mind. Not soon enough though, his eyes started to get blurry as tears streamed down his cheeks. His feelings were not slowly overflowing from his heart that he choked on his tears and weak sobs.
"K-Kyuhyun, y-you are joking r-right?"
Please do tell me this is not happening...
Kyuhyun sighed, "Do you think I am?"
Just believe Sungmin...
Sungmin, as he heard this, cried even more. He did not bother to wipe the tears that now wetted his cheeks. He didn't care if the people look at them with such weird looks. All he knew was that his lover was leaving him, for good.
Besides the pain that almost engulfed his whole heart in deep abyss, Sungmin mustered a fake smile as he held Kyuhyun's hand.
"I know these are all lies. Just tell me what's wrong Kyu. I might hel-"
"There's nothing wrong with me!" Kyuhyun spatted as he swatted Sungmin's hand away. The older of two looked stunned as his lover did this to him. He eyed Kyuhyun closely. He was absolutely acting different than most of the days they were together.
"W-Why are y-you being like th-this?"
I don't understand
"I'm just getting tired of our relationship Sungmin."
You won't understand.
Kyuhyun, frustrated, dug his hand in his hair. He knew that it would be very hard to convince Sungmin that they're over. He knew that Sungmin would really insist on what he liked, he fairly knew that.
Sungmin, on the other hand, was on the verge of yet another breakdown.
"Y-You promised th-that w-we would last long, forever. You promised that!"
Why are you doing this to me?
I don't deserve you.
"Then that forever will come to an end," Kyuhyun, emotionless, replied as he stood up and walked towards the door of the coffee shop they were in. His heart was in pain as much as what Sungmin feels but he bit his bottom lip to avoid crying out loud.
He was about to get out and leave the crying Sungmin behind, forever, when a pair of hands turned him around and backhanded him.
"I hate you! I hate you!" Sungmin wailed. No, I love you more than anything else in this world
Kyuhyun just stood near the doorway, frozen. There was a very strong pang that hit his chest as he saw Sungmin break down and fell to his knees. Finally cannot withstand the pain in his heart, he immediately went out, his eyes streaming with tears. He brought along with him the dreams that he had wanted to fulfill, the dreams that he wished Sungmin to have and enjoy. But, what he could wish for right now was the feeling of distress leaving him and for Sungmin to just live a happy life. Because someday, someday, the connection between them would just fade away.
I'm sorry. But, I love you
So much for hiatus.
Finished posting this at exactly 2:40 am.
I can't get the ideas out of my head and I've been writing since Math class because, well, it was boring.
Hope you enjoyed this and I hope I didn't lose readers! :)
Comments are <3