Just My Luck: Chapter 1

Jan 15, 2011 17:00

Title: Just My Luck
Status: On-going
Pairing: KyuMin
Genre: Genderswitch. AU. Angst. probable!Crack
Rating: PG-13 (might go higher)
Disclaimer: The boys own themselves. I only own the fail plot.
Summary: Cho Kyuhyun is a stereotypical nerd. He has a boring life and a lovelife that sucks. However, a specific bribe brings him to the doorstep of Lee Sungmin and her life. What she decides to intervene in his own life too?

A/N: This took me long. I'm sorry. But I decided to update this only on weekends since I'm a busy student and I promised my mom that I'll give her good grades until the end of the year for me to convince her that I'm deserving to attend Super Show 3. And I'm freakingly desperate >.< I hope this is good thao~~


In his 18 years of existence, Cho Kyuhyun wanted to slap himself for the first time. Standing in front of Lee Sungmin’s house after not visiting for a good 5 years wasn’t a good idea for him and he just wanted to cut his feet - and kill his conscience - here and there.

Kyuhyun knew he wasn’t there just by mere coincidence. He was there for some kind of reason - an unreasonable one because he wouldn’t be there without the help of a life-threatening bribe of not having a new stash of Starcraft Specials for his birthday.

Kyuhyun sighed and knocked twice. He looked around as he whistled, noticing the trees that have grown tall and the tulips that have grown wild. He smiled sheepishly, as a nostalgic feeling hit him, and leaned like a little child, not noticing how dangerously near he was to the door.

Just one careless and reckless swing of the door can send a big man’s hand flying to his face in pain. However, Kyuhyun was sent tumbling down the pavement by that simple action as he screamed his ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ and ‘ouches’. He mentally hit himself - as he was, of course, rolling in his misery - and noted that he should, at least, go to the gym sometime.

“Omo! Kyuhyun-ah! I didn’t know it was you.” He looked up and saw Sungmin’s mother, with Sunny behind her, and he was stupid to forget how his bestfriend’s family can be deemed as a clan of martial artists.

“I-I’m fine Auntie…” He took the woman’s hands.

“Kyu, good thing you came without notice. Min was frantic and she was about to call you,” Sunny shrugged as she sucked on her lollipop. Mrs. Lee smiled at him apologetically before spanking her daughter and saying something about using honorifics and such. Not that Kyuhyun minded, but he smiled and made himself comfortable in the premises of the Lees.

“H-How are you Auntie? It has been years since I came in this yard and this,” Kyuhyun took a deep breath, “house.”

Sunny growled, scrunching her nose - and snubbed him in some way - before stomping back into the house. Mrs. Lee turned to him and said, “We are fine, son. Kids have been growing up so fast these days. I can’t believe I’d be seeing this day again.” Kyuhyun put on a questioning look.

“Oh you know. You visiting us again…”

Sungmin’s mother opened the door; Kyuhyun bowed and gladly accepted the silent invitation. He made his way in, a grin creeping up his face. He marvelled at the fact that the place didn’t change despite the fact that the trees, out in the yard, seemed to have grown together with him.

“This place didn’t change a bit, huh?”

Sungmin’s mother nodded and replied, “And I assume you know your way to her room?”

He chuckled, ran up the stairs, and passed a number of doors before stopping in front of the one that stood out the most; it was colored pink anyway.

Kyuhyun never knocked. He just turned the doorknob hastily just like when they were little kids, forgetting that he’s entering the room of someone who was now a young woman. He was grinning sheepishly, and was looking to his feet, as he opened the door. “Min-ah, I’m…”


Upon hearing her name, the girl turned around and gasped. Kyuhyun looked up and held his breath, his cheeks turning beet red. Sungmin stood, a foot away from him, wearing only a loose shirt - that ran up to the middle of her thighs - and maybe, as Kyuhyun hinted, some underwear. He wrinkled his nose, scanning her from head-to-toe.

He admitted he can’t take his sight off of her.

He admitted looking at her thighs for more than a second.

And for the first time in his life, Cho Kyuhyun found his bestfriend hot in her house clothes.


“Ow…” Kyuhyun moaned as he held the cold towel on his nose. Sungmin’s mother eyed him sympathetically as he passed him and Sungmin at the kitchen island; Sunny was in the living room, watching flying bunnies and pink unicorns. His bestfriend, on the other hand, threw him a very piercing stare every so often that made him cringe, just like that.

His hand went up to his nose once again when Sungmin slapped it away and took his face in her hands. “See…it’s your fault you idiot. How dare you do me like that?” she told him as she started to wipe the blood that continued to gush out from his nose.

“I’m sorry, but you could’ve at least kicked me on the shin and not on the face.”


Sungmin knelt on her stool to reach the taller one from the other end of the long island. She leaned down, exposing much of her cleavage. Kyuhyun gaped, yet again, and spoke, “Min, what if I get sexually attracted to you?” The girl stopped, wide-eyed, and inflicted a painful slap on his right cheek.

“It was just a what if! A WHAT IF!” Kyuhyun retorted, his hands flying to his face, as he winced at the pain on his cheek. The girl leaned again, palmed his face, and softly kissed his cheek.

“I know,” she chuckled, “because you wouldn’t even dare touch me. You’d rather spend some time in front of the computer.”

Kyuhyun pouted, his face beet red, as he touched his cheek. He looked away, not wanting to see more of the grinning Sungmin as she went around the island and sat beside him. For one, she opted to not change her house clothes even when Kyuhyun started gaping at her. Lastly, he was still embarrassed of the sudden contact on his face.

“So…” he started, “what was it you wanted to tell me? I mean, Sunny told me earlier that you were -”

Oh that brat, Sungmin thought.

“Y-you see K-kyu,” Sungmin spoke nervously as she fidgeted on her chair, “I need your help.”

The latter faced her and smiled.

“You see, I have this crush from the football team. He’s name’s Kangin and he’s kind of cute and...are you even listening?”

Kyuhyun looked up from the ant he was poking and looked at her dazedly. “I get it. You should’ve asked for Eunhyuk’s help instead. I’m not the right person, you know. I mean, if you could only solve that certain love problem of yours using equations then I could help you with that.”

“So your point is…you’re not helping me.”

Kyuhyun crossed his arms and grinned. “Exactly.”

“But you really ARE the right person I need now.”

“But I don’t have any experience on kissing and in any sexual rituals. I can’t help you with those kinds of stuff…”

Sungmin pouted and Kyuhyun groaned. Who could not resist those sultry lips?

“Fine. Fine. What do you want me to do?”

Sungmin smirked, leaned, and whispered to Kyuhyun’s ear as her warm breathe lingered on his skin. “I just need you to be my partner in some things. More like a test subject, you know. Who cares? You might learn something new from me.”

Kyuhyun gulped.

“Pretend to be my boyfriend Kyuhyun-ah.”

Comments are <3
I think I did fail in this...

fic: justmyluck, p: kyumin

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