How is it possible that 4 people living in this house have a 9-5 monday-friday job and we still can't afford food? And we have no hot water anymore. And the phone is about to be turned off AGAIN.
y0u kn0 h0w I d0: damn u need to stop y0u kn0 h0w I d0: lol the earlyb: stop what the earlyb: hahaha y0u kn0 h0w I d0: being fuckin y0u kn0 h0w I d0: cute and shit the earlyb: hahaha i cant
danny just made my night. and smoking a blunt in the living room.
now its your turn, i miss you livejournal kids... make me smile
1. Comment here and I'll pick one of your LJ interests and draw a picture using the mighty MS Paint. 2. You have no say in what I draw for you, or how much it will suck! 3. Put this in your journal along with the pictures people drew for you.
by the end of today i am going to do at least one of the following:
a) kill every member of my direct family b) kill myself c) hyperventilate d) find somewhere that i am welcome for the night, or week, or month, or year.