(no subject)

Nov 30, 2005 17:06

another one... lol

have u ever......

smoked: yh

cheated on nsomeone: yh

danced naked i the rain: no

had a 3some: no

4some: no

woken up and not known were u were: no

woke up n thought 'what happened last night?': yh

had a one night stand: no

lied: yh

commited suicide: well im here now!:S

locked ur self in the toilet: yh

got lost in ur house: no

made out with a barbie: no

made out with a girl: yh

" " " " boy: yh

shoplifted: yh

cried infront of a crowd: yh

ran away from someone u love: yh

have u ever loved: yh

been loved: hope so

been crushed: yh

wished to get out of here: yh

bungee jumped: nop

sky dived: nop

layed on the summer grass lookin up at the stars: yh

had a summer fling: yh

regreted anything: yh(did not anymore)

felt alone: yh(everyone has right)

ran awya form home: no

slept with someone: no

been a tom boy: yh

been a right girly girl: no

climed a tree: yh

played with dolls: yh

played with boys: yh

do u?

drink: yh

-once a month: yh

-once a week: no

-every day: no

-every now and then: yh

smoke: no

are u addicted:no

have one night stands: no

look at porn: no

have a fake ID: nop not yet

have ear pierced: yep

anywere but yrs: nop

do u want to: yh ma nose, n mayb tongue

will you?

smoke: no

get a tatoo: yh

get married: hope so

lose ur virginity: yh

have kids: yh

go to college: hope so

get plastic surgery: if i got da money

become famous: dunno

become what u wanna b: hope so

adopt a kid: mayb

5 things.........
(5 things u wanna do deffinatley b4 u die)

1. find da love of my life

2. go sky diving

3. get a tatoo

4. lose my vrginity

5. live life to the fullest

what do memories mean to u:

'the scars remind us that the pats is real'

i think memories r awsome cause u get on with the future but u always have the good and bad memories to make u laugh n cry. but i also think that whats in the past is in the past n dere is nothing we can do about it now, u gotta look to da future :D
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