just breathe

Jun 14, 2005 14:03

i got my license!!! =)  ..i feeel free&old haha
    i saw crisee and mr.riggs at the DMV ohh how i hate that place, takes forever
    ((howd it go crisee?))

.....and a new phone

::::wooooot wooooot::::

........still in need of a job thouugh =(

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Comments 15

_just_dreaming_ June 14 2005, 22:01:06 UTC
I got mine too.

We rock. SO much!


xox_heath_xox June 15 2005, 15:34:56 UTC
haha yay!! =) now we dont have to drive illegaly ne more hehe


_last_kiss_ June 15 2005, 05:32:06 UTC
1. work at water works ith me and jackie
2. what were the 2 random dates that you had to take the test at the dmv


flyerzkikass07 June 15 2005, 15:21:04 UTC
Yea.heath..they are still hireing...I work at Atcher...pays good. and sun tan....woot!


_last_kiss_ June 16 2005, 04:05:38 UTC
nooo its all about water works.


xox_heath_xox June 15 2005, 15:36:10 UTC
1.you really dont have to be ceritfied though?
2.umm im not sure they didnt tell you..i know that one of them is 7 though..phewsh haha thats pretty close to 6 i got lucky =)


tbs_fan182 June 15 2005, 17:46:31 UTC
Woo Hoo!!!

I got my permit!! haha


xox_heath_xox June 16 2005, 05:26:28 UTC
noiiiice..did you get an A!?..
i almost failed it by one point haha it was pretty funny


Sweet x_dr3aming4u_x June 15 2005, 18:11:11 UTC
Sweet dude.
Goooo cruisinnnnn.
I hope I see you some time soon.



SAhweeeeeeet xox_heath_xox June 16 2005, 05:27:09 UTC
oh youuu will im still workin on getting my car already and stuff..ill let ya know


capital_z June 15 2005, 18:33:56 UTC
ahh heather that's awesome!

yeah, my job hunt is not going so well. i've applied at around 7 places and NO ONE has called me back. :-( waaah.


xox_heath_xox June 16 2005, 05:28:21 UTC
thankkks!! haha i was pretty excited and talk about easy i just took my pic it was awesome..i dont like how there up and down though, oh well though yeaa its hard to find a job these days..ive applied lots of places too they take forever to look over the applications


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