okay track sucked. haha. it wasnt even that hard of a workout.. like compared to other years on the first day... but im either so out of shape... or my body justt cant handle it anymore. cuz honestly, it was harder frosh and soph year and i feel the exact same baddness. idk if im makign sense... i just dont know if i can do it. OH! ohh mann i
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i need to make this christmassy. even tho i just made it all pink. ill change it back to this after the holidays. cuz it took me a while. hmmm maybe ill try and do it after track 2morrow... if i have the energy :( im feeling a little better tho :) i lovee all my friends. well most of all of my friends. i dont know what id do without u :)
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well it's totally almost christmas and i have mixed feelings. i mean i love christmas, cuz i love christmas shopping and exchanging presents and decorating and the songs and tv specials and stuff... but like idk. its kind of depressing. i cant really explain it... i just think winter in general depresses me... idk
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todayy was amazing :P hehe woke up... cleanedd blahh. my parents went to best buy at like 630 this morning... and they bought me a new tv and a dvd player. which is liek the first nice thing theyve done in a while.. then i cleaned more.. and went to the mall with richie :) andd then to the moives. then we just drove around. it was fun
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sooo the game was a dissapointment as usual. haha. we were sooo close. it was 6-3 us and then with 1 min 45 secs left,[in the 4th] and 1 down left.... they scored. making the game end at 9-6 them. whateverr it was expectedd. soo yea i realized jsut how happy i was that band was over. the people r getting on my nerves like whoa. me an alyssia
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i dont think they do lol. soo im procrastinating hw as usuall... even tho its after 11 and i shood be showering so maybe i can sleep by 12. considering i got like no sleep last night im not even tired. greattt. i missed everwood :( like i was watchign it.. but i was too caught up in otherstuff. haha matt knows. and katie and tahv deff
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although i am not too sure what that means... haha i think i might have had one. anyway, i was totally insomnic last night. i hope that is not coming back. i dont know if it was lack of eating or the fact that i woke up at 205 in the afternoon. either way, i watched the wizard of oz again [and ive decided it deff is one of my alltime fav
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im just soo bored tho. no joke, all ive done all day [well since like 11] was clean [the computer room], watch tv, sleep, and ive been on the phone for the past 240 mins. ummm i forgot y i was updating
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soo even after being extremelyt scared about getting in trouble [which i didnt] ... and all that fun last night.. im left with a bigg hole of emptyness
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