Family Ties

Jan 23, 2008 23:51

Title: Family Ties
Author: xoxbreyoxo

Character: Ma Cobb
Disclaimer: Not mine, just playing
Rating: PG?
Word Count: 200
A/N: A response to Jayne's letter was requested, so here it is. Enjoy!

Dear Jayne,

Fool boy, I could throttle you! How could ya do that to your Ma? Just up and leave like that. I know things ain't been easy but this can't've been the answer. I thought I raised you better than that. Kin needs to keep together.

It's been near three days since I found your note. Think Mattie found it first, it was all crumpled and had dropped down 'neath the table when I found it and she ain't comin' outta her room. I sure hope you know what you're doin', boy. It just ain't right for you to be gone.

Please, son, write soon. I don't rightly care if you're settled in or not. But my nerves are shot not knowin' where my boy is.

I gotta git, your Pa is due home soon and I ain't even started supper yet. I picked up some yarn this morning so you just let me know if there's anything you need.


Your Mother

jayne/ma cobb, prompt: keep

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