I've been pretty much absent so here's a little Aubrey-Recap LoL
firefly100 - I'm not sure anyone is particularly curious, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry I didn't get last week's Jayne/Ma letter up. RL has kinda taken over with the whole steady job thing. I have significantly less hours next week and only 2 or 3 expected interruptions so I will
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Comments 4
One of the many perks of working for Blockbuster Video LoL
Yeah, my home like is pretty much ssdd here, but work is cool. My boss is awesome, she says everything I think but would never say. It's hilarilous. Plus one of my co workers is reeeeally cute LoL
Hug those kids for me!
btw, about your twilight obsession, do you have the books? I can't find them anywhere and I wanna read em, dammit LoL
good to hear that some things at least are looking up. you can do it! *hug*
Awww, thanks!! *hugs back*
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