Title: Junction
Chapter : 5 part B
Rating : PG
Genre : Fluff
Pairing : Kyumin (Kyuhyun / Sungmin), RyeoMin (Ryeowook / Sungmin)
Summary : Cho Kyuhyun is at a junction between Lee Sungmin and Zhoumi. But, Sungmin still stuck with his past life.
Junction Chap.5 part B )
Comments 19
i would love to see some minwook moment... (ermm, is that ryeomin?) but kyuhyun just ruin it all...
and this sungmin is really ridiculous, with kyuhyun, he runs away, with ryeowook, he runs away as well -__-||
eh?? where you want to go then?? -__-|||
and author likes to write something unique...
first, kyuhyun wrap his arms around sungmin's neck... (is that what a 'seme' should do?)
and then sungmin wrap his arms around ryeowook's neck O_____O
unique XD
you have some different fetish eh? XD
idk, my brain. it just work differently XD
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