Title: untitled
Pairing: jongin/sehun
Rating: pg/pg-13??? so far
Genre: fantasy, romace
Length: 414 words as of yet because i have really severe eye infection so i'm technically blind for now but i'm aiming for 10k
Summary/Warnings: spn!au also mentions of self harm but not really????
here )
Comments 1
This sounds promising so far, I think. I'm already bored with his parents, because it's how Jongin feels, although I'd honestly enjoy going to an auction of old junk sometime. (I watch Antique Roadshow for fun. Jongin would find me such a bore.) It's evident just from this short bit that Jongin is uninspired. There's nothing that moves him, since dance is apparently out. (Whyyyy?)
Why glass, though? That's more dangerous than a blade. I'm also imagining him busting a beer bottle to do this...
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