Paige- School would not be the same with out you! You are always there for me to talk to about anything! I <3 you and i am always here for you! <3 Brittany
hey paigey, its dani i'm no i'm not really one of your good friends anymore, but i just want you to know that i'm here for you - paige these are the best years of our lives, go have fun and do what you want have no worries and don't be afarid to do some fucked up things babe - haha i know that you just really need some good friends right now, and i want you to know i'm here for you just remember even thoe your making lots of new best friends, please don't forget your old - me n caldwell love you & were the ones who are always gunna be by your side no matter what
Thanx you and caldwell and the ones that are there but i just get so wrapped up in things and people talk alot about you 2 and it needs to stop and i really want to be your friend but your always busy...and i understand so i go to other people cause i keep getting in situations where i just need a friend thats always there and i found them! but you and caldwell will always be my best friends!
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<3 Brittany
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