Oh, and I never do, this, but
Four Jobs I've had
1. Baby-sitter
2. Hostess for Mandalay
3. Waitress for Mandalay
4. Whatever I am now...web analytics intern?
Four movies I can watch over and over
1. The Disney classics, especially The Sword in the Stone and Beauty and the Beast
2. The Shining
3. Amelie
4. Ace Ventura Pet Detective (I've seen it at least fifty or sixty times, most of those times with Amanda while eating ramen...I used to know it by heart)
Four places I have lived (I'm counting "lived" as at least three consecutive months)
1. University Park, MD
2. Melbourne, Australia
3. New Haven, CT
4. Salt Lake City, UT
Four TV shows I love
1. The X-Files
2. Lost
3. As Time Goes By
4. Firefly
Four places I've vacationed
1. Glacier, Montana (is Montana MT?)
2. Disney World
3. Israel (it was basically vacation)
4. Delft
Four of my favorite dishes:
1. Mashed potatoes and gravy
2. Tofu in coconut cream curry from Mandalay
3. My parents' chili
4. My parents' chickpea curry
Four websites I visit daily (none, but these are the ones I visit most frequently)
1. Gmail
Tiny Mix Tapes Automatic Mix Tape Generator3.
Cat and Girl4.
Wikipedia Four places I would rather be right now
1. Home
2. France
3. My not-really-aunt's not-really-farm
4. Earlham College (no offense to non-Earlhamers, but three of my babies are there right now)
I tag...um...
lonecellotheory, and
deeplymacaroni. I'm tagging you partly because I never see you do things like this, so I don't know if you will. But maybe, like me, you'll do them because you got tagged.