
May 02, 2006 10:02

say goodbye...i start car shopping this week. something way cheap. its a blessing in disguise to get outta this car. weird how things work out...

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Comments 15

mandy6488 May 2 2006, 15:52:29 UTC
Goodbye old friend, we've had a lot of memories inside of you!

that sounds sort of dirty taken out of context


xpandora23 May 2 2006, 17:13:59 UTC
lol i always think of late night trips to eckerds. i went into that place a couple months ago and its a CVS now. it looks completely different. it made me sad heheh

or that crazy night out to waffle house.


mandy6488 May 2 2006, 17:15:54 UTC
hehe Awww i haven't been to that eckerds in a long time. so many memorrrrrrries

And driving around the apts smoking when we couldn't do it inside! hehe


xpandora23 May 2 2006, 19:26:04 UTC
i went driving through there not too long ago just to see if it'd changed at all and it has a lot! they told us when we lived there all these renovations they had planned and theyre just now starting them! but it seems a lot nicer back there. they've def put some money back there (aside from the golf course). i think they even changed the name from 'baymeadows apartments' to some other more savvy name hehe


latiekake May 2 2006, 16:19:01 UTC
whoa, what happened?


mandy6488 May 2 2006, 17:11:51 UTC
She had 'roid rage and beat the shit out of it!


xpandora23 May 2 2006, 17:15:06 UTC
merged into a semi heh.

it doesnt seem like it should be totalled, but to fix it is apparently more than they deem it worth.


mandy6488 May 2 2006, 17:16:39 UTC
I like my story better!
I had this mental image of you all jacked like he-man taking that sword thing to it.


sillieelf May 2 2006, 18:34:13 UTC
are u ok? are u totally freaked out?


xpandora23 May 2 2006, 19:23:02 UTC
lol yeah im ok. just banged up a bit. i may have hurt my back again from my last accident. when i think about how much worse it could have been..thats what freaks me out. other than that im just thankful in so many different ways heh.


hersomniloquy May 3 2006, 11:43:37 UTC
woah. damn. are you ok???!!?


xxxsummer May 3 2006, 18:05:46 UTC
glad you are alive to tell the story! :)


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