Title: After the World’s End
Chapter: 7/18
xpaperplanexRating: NC-17 overall
Word Count: ~3600
Pairings: Sephiroth/Cloud
Genre: adventure, hurt/comfort, alpha/omega
Warnings: underage, non-con
Chapter 1 Summary: Offered up as payment to an alpha for ridding the town of monsters, Cloud discovers that the outside world is vastly different than he
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Comments 7
I'm so excited to play the remake! I just downloaded the original on my Switch to have a replay before it comes out. I need to get a PS4, though. I've had the money for it sitting around for ages, I just haven't gotten around to it.
Please get a PS4 so I have someone to gush over the game with!
I will definitely get a PS4, don't worry! I just need to find a plug and a place to put it. I've learned my lesson about not counting the number of electric outlets when deciding on a place to live.
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