(no subject)

Nov 12, 2004 22:19

Went to bryan's house on wednesday night, Kevin couldn't come so it was just us. I schooled him at Mariokart once, but he beat me the rest of the time because he's so much better at it than I am. And his mother made us salad, and then I ate some of his junk fooooodddd, and then we watched southpark and conan o'brien and ate moreeee junk food, then I had to go home. <3 bryan like woahhhh. He's the best friend EVERRR.

It snowed alll day today! Sooo much excitement at schooollll...I got the report card, I made honors, and ALMOST made high honors (I missed it by a tenth of a point.) But it's okay, I'm pulling through. (Though I must say, my math grade this upcoming term is going to suck. As in, borderline failing suck.) Yuck. At anyyy rate, I think I did pretty damn good on my LATINNNNNN test. I kicked Caecilius butt.
Tonight was by far the funnest of my life. We went to chilies (Michelle, Kendra, Briana, Bryan and I, we invited alex but he couldn't go.) I ordered cheesecake because everything else on the menu hadddd meat in it, so I only had to pay four bucks of the bill, hehehehe. The waiter messed our bill up and it was about 20 bucks cheaper than it was supposed to be, but that was fine because we've been jipped by them before and their lieing cheating ways of making us pay a double tip. So then after, (it was so much fun) we went outside and had a snow fight, I totally creamed Bryan but then gave him a hug afterwards so he wouldn't feel so sad that he lost to a girl. Hahahhaa bryan! I love youuuu! /squee/
Anddddd thennnn we went back to my place (everyone) and listened to music and screamed along with it while michelle was acting sketchy and all four of us tried to sit on the same loveseat. Except kendra who was too busy playing with Bryan's phone. XD.
My mom was being a dictator, and she wanted everyone out of the house at 10:00,but dad said whenever I wanted it to be, so I was like 11:30, and my mom yelled at my dad until he agreed with her and it was back to 10:00, and then I argued it to 10:30. Pfft. Evil parents. Bryan's parents let us stay over until like 11:30. pfft.
so while waiting for my friend's rides to come, we had a snowball fight (again) in the snow and michelle totally beat me. Snow rocks.

I LOVE Michelle, Briana, Kendra, AND BRYAN.
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