(no subject)

Nov 19, 2005 23:31

What is your -MIDDLE- Name? Maureen

How old do you feel?: 27

Where would you like to live?: on a beach

Cats or Dogs?: both

Vacation Atmosphere?: year round

Cookie?: oreos.

Baths or Showers?: long sweet baths or short cold showers

What is the sickest thing you've ever found in your food?: my brother's toenail

What movie moment really makes you squirm?: eh?

Describe your mother.: me not dealing with my life correctly

Describe your father.: young, underestimated yet can be such a dick. I love him a lot

Siblings?: Danny and Christian

Tell me an interesting story from your past.: When I was 7 I ate so much I had to stay at the hopspital overnight.

If anyone could kill you.........who would you want it to be?: I'd rather not be killed, but I'd say Andrew

Forget how you want to die, how do you want to live?: Like a savior

You spot a spider beginning to spin it's web....what do you do?: take a picture

How do you feel about bats?: decent

Speaking of bats...ever been in a cave?: not too many caves on long island

Favorite Rock. (HA! Take THAT!): sedimentary? or led zeppelin?

Pick a noise you're fond of.: a boy pleading

What about a sight?: Mike and Vinny

Sound.: music and laughter

Texture.: skin

What would be your ideal waking time?: a good time to take on the day

Bedtime?: when I'm done with the day

Can you cook?: I enjoy it

What hobbies do you get so lost in you loose track of time?: singing, reading, necking

What is your opinion on weapons?: people kill people but weapons sure do make it easier

Thoughts on regulations on said weapons?: Americans are made to be in a state of fear to sell them. it's kruckus

What is your sleeping position?: I wouldn't know I'm asleep

Heavy or light sleeper?: dead to the world

If you could remove any invention from existence, what would it be?: probably the electoral college

If you could visit a famous fantasy world...which would it be?: I guess I'd go give harry potter a swift kick in the nuts

Are you ashamed to be caught in a toy store? why should I be?

Most comforting stance/position with your significant other? (Non-Sexual): sitting across from eachother?

Thoughts on PDA?: eh...to an extent. always with the intention of affection and not display.

Do you own a cookbook?: probably

Do you play board games?: occasionaly

Do you enjoy them?: not with my family

Would you play hide-and-seek?: oh yes

If you were to lose a limb, which would it be?: my left ring finger

Is any religion correct?: no, they're all just trying to harness ideas that we can't really wrap our minds around.

Do you return your shopping cart?: sometimes

How's your driving?: inexperienced

Ever wanted to be an assassin?: not really

Your method?: fibre wire

Strangest turn-on?: a tounge in my ear or oreos

When you meet a new person, how do you treat them?: politely

What are your immediate expectations of a person to get on your good side?: be kind and tactful

What are your turn-offs? (For people in general): someone who won't look at you in the eye

Do you know any of the real fairy tales? (IE..NOT Disney): mhm

Do you embrace your heritage?: I'd have to embrace a whole lot of different things, but I guess

What cultures interest you?: canadians, they're fasinating.

Do you collect anything?: playing cards

Name something you've done once that you'll NEVER do again.: Crticise someone's opinion openly and tactlessly.

Do skunks make good pets?: I wouldn't know

Ever had a spider bite?: plenty a time

What would you do in Nevada (US)?: I don't see why not, but I wouldn't prefer it

Name one antagonistic character you find amusing.: the butt rapist in pulp fiction.

Name one place you've been to that you want to return to.: Shelter Island

Do you teach yourself how to do things?: you could say that

What are your bad habits?: I am openly flatulent most of the time

What habits annoy you?: letting someone win and arguement I could have won.

Does pain bother you?: I would say it bothers everyone, but I try to deal with it as best as I can

Did you know that tickling is a form of pain?: I could see that

Do your eyes change color?: people can't decide if they're brown or green

Favorite way to sit in a reclining chair.: spread eagle

Who's the fool that you pity?: Skittles

What do you WANT to see when/after you die?: Mr. Collins's closet chock full of Snapple

Do your dreams mean anything to you?: not usually

If you were to die by injestion of massive amounts of candy: what kind?: the little dots on paper

Worst fear.: not forgiving someone
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