I've kissed someone..
[x] on the cheek.
[x] on the lips.
[x] on their hands or fingers.
[x] in my room.
[x] in their room.
[x] of the opposite sex.
[x] of the same sex.
[x] a little younger than me.
[x] a little older than me.
[x] with black hair.
[x] with curly hair.
[x ] blonde hair and blue eyes.
[] with red hair
[x] with straight hair.
[x] shorter than me.
[x] with a lip ring.
[x] who I truly love/loved.
[x] who was drunk.
[ ] who was high.
[x] in the morning.
[x] right after waking up
[x] just before bed.
[x] late at night.
[x] who I had just met.
[x] who I really didn't want to kiss.
[x] just talking not dating
[x] on a bed.
[ ] in a graveyard.
[x] at school
[x] against a wall.
[x] at a show.
[x] at the beach.
[x] at a concert
[x] in a pool.
[x] who was/is a good friend.
[x] in the rain.
[ ] with an std.
[x] in a car/taxi/bus.
[ ] on a plane.
[x] in the movies.
[] in a bathroom.
[x] in the dark.
[x] on a roof top.
[x] under water.
[] while driving
[] a stranger
[] more than one person at once.
[x] crying
[] goodbye forever.
[x] when I was drunk.
[] who didn't speak english
In 2005, did you:
1. go to a party?: yes
2. try something new?: yeaa
3. have someone change your life?: yes
4. kiss someone?: mhm
5. tell your family and friends you love them?: yes
6. buy something extravagant?: for me and others
7. had someone else do something nice for you?: every day
8. do something terribly wrong?: nothing too terrible
9. move?: thank god no
10. go to a concert?: a few
best of the year:
1. party: prom?
2. show: rent
3. cd: on and on jack johnson
4. movie: garden state
5. song: my girl
6. experience: love
7. purchase: rangers tickets
8. book: confederacy of dunces
9. month: july
10. day: can't pick
worst of the year:
1. party: a party is never bad if I'm there ;)
2. show: couldnt say
3. cd: my brother's
4. movie: lifetime movies
5. song: couldnt say
6. experience: nothing too memorable
7. purchase: sundress
8. book: I like books
9. month: may
10. Day: when they died
hopes for 2006:
1. predict something that you think will happen in 2006?: I will have fun
2. what do you hope changes about your country?: we get the fuck out of there
3. what do you hope for yourself?: be a good Chava
4. what do you hope for your family?: they stay alright
5. what do you hope for your best friend?: he is always happy
during 2005:
1. where were you when it began?: somewhere in Levittown
2. did you stay up?: yeah
3. what was your new year wish?: nothing in particular
4. how many boyfriends/girlfriends?: 2
5. broke up?: the first one obviously. I'm still with the second
6. have any crushes?: in the beginning of the year I suppose
7. care to mention names?: fuckbag
8. new friends?: yeah
9. had to say goodbye?: people died
10. missed anyone?: yes
11. win anything?: probably
12. best place you went to?: Big Boulder
13. worst place you went to?: Kmart
14. happiest moment?: sitting at rob slater's fire pit
15. how was your birthday?: pretty sweet
16. best present?: my ring that I lost a few months later :( and rent tickets
january: me and evan's first date
february: ski trip
march: the play
april: it got warmer I suppose
may: prom was cute
june: school ate my face
july: living it up and my birthday
august: summer soccer
september: school
october: pointless halloween
november: food
december: ranger game fuck yeah