Name: Sophie or Kino
Main Journal:
kinokohitotsuContact: AIM-pumpkinmushroom, Plurk-suspenderson, Email-pumpkinstyles@gmail.com
Characters in Powers: none
Name: Chell (if needed, last name will be Glidewell)
Series: (MS Paint Adventures:) Portal
Ability: Chell can create two wormholes, just large enough for a person to pass through, that directly link to one another. She also has a high tolerance for physical activities such as running and falling, and tends to be able to land without incident, almost like a cat, but on two feet instead of four.
Position: Physical Education/Endurance coach
Canon Resource Link:
Over hereHistory: Born in El to a young mother who didn’t know what she was doing, Chell was sent to an orphanage at a very early age, in fact, almost right after she was born. And there, though at first the workers and the other orphans thought she was a late bloomer when it came to speech, it was discovered that Chell was mute. It estranged her from the other children and even some of the workers, but soon enough, around her third birthday, Chell was adopted.
Her new parents were scientists living in Crescent. Both very busy with their separate work and combined with this and genetics, the couple were unable to have children. Chell was the solution to their problem, and at first everything was fine. In replacement for speech, they taught Chell sign language, so that they could still communicate. The three of them would go on outings, Chell was happily busy with her school work, and they would happily help. She was their child, and even though it was difficult, they got around her being mute. Until Chell hit her early teens.
Then her powers started to manifest.
Suddenly, the parents who had been so accepting started to distance themselves themselves. Using excuses about different projects, they began to stay at work more often than not, and were silent when they were home. Everything she did was viewed with suspicion. So, hurt and angry, Chell took it into her own hands. She applied to different boarding schools and when she received an acceptance letter, she sat down with her parents, informing them of her decision. To her disappointment, they didn’t make much fuss over it, and so she went off.
As the pattern seemed to go, the first few years were fine, good even. But during her senior high years, she met a teacher who found out about her ability and who took an interest in it. The teacher asked for her to stay after class, and created tests for Chell to take. They tried her powers, making it stronger, and her mental capacities, too, but the tests grew harder and harder. Quickly, Chell found herself hating the tests but she never gave up on them, and continued to work on them until she graduated.
She wandered from job to job for a while, and then heard that Estrasia Academy, a school for people with abilities, like hers, was looking for some staff. So, in an all too familiar way, Chell applied.
She’s been there ever since.
Personality: Though little is really known about Chell canonically-she doesn’t talk in the games, and what GLaDOS says about her can’t be taken at face value-there are a couple things that are well known about her. Chell has a type of tenacity that really puts her in the outliers. She refuses to give up, on anything or anyone. And directly relates to her determination. Without it, she wouldn’t have made it through the tests, nor survived it all to get away and be free. And once she’s made her mind up on something, there’s really no way to change it.
She won’t stop working up to that goal without obtaining it, whether she has to work with someone she hates, put her life at risk…anything. But that doesn’t mean she’s not aware of what is and isn’t impossible. Though sometimes she would like to think otherwise, Chell knows that she isn’t capable of some things and with that, well, a lost cause is a lost cause.
But with that tenacity comes patience. She has a good deal of it, something that can probably be attributed to the fact that, as a mute, she had no way to communicate, and would have to be patient with others and their capabilities. Yet this is a steadfast trait-in fact, the patience comes in handy with the fact that she seems to pick up the oddest friends, even though she tends to treat those around her with a type of brashness and toughness one would expect from a weathered veteran. Chell also has a kind side, though. She’s never been one to judge too harshly, too soon, and will keep with someone long after all others have given up. This, perhaps, is one of her best traits, along with her everlasting curiosity. She enjoys exploring, especially, because on some level, she’d like to see everything that’s available to her. The curiosity extends to problems of mind as well, because, though she’s of just above average intelligence, she enjoys puzzles, and puzzle solving.
There is one thing that Chell can’t stand though-and that’s the arrogance to walk all over another person. It drives her through the roof, and usually, she’s the type to take action against it, usually directly. In her opinion, passive aggression is childish and helps no one, so why bother? And she would rather face those she has issues with than go behind their back to their higher ups. Of course, she won’t give up until her opinion is at least acknowledged either.
That’s just the type of strong personality she is.
Third Person Sample: She went running the day after she had been hired. It was her first morning-and perhaps that was why everything seemed so off to her. She wasn’t used to the altitude, wasn’t used to the crispness in the air, or the picturesque buildings. If Chell was being perfectly serious with herself, it bothered her a bit. She missed the familiarity of Cross and the cities there.
But then again, this was a new start for her.
Chell got back to her building, the Aldale Hall, just as students were waking up. And she wondered if any of them would miss the old gym teacher, if any of them would ask after him, and what he was like. None of the students greeted her-though then again, she didn’t really blame them. It was early and she was unfamiliar. Besides, it caused less trouble for her. But the thoughts continued as she made her way back to her room, and got herself prepared for the day.
She knew it was going to be a good day though, no matter what. Breakfast itself was uneventful, and then she had forty-five minutes before the first class came in. She didn’t have any time to waste though-Chell quickly bussed her dishes and headed to the gym.
From there on out, it was easy. She pulled the chalkboard out of storage, dusted it off and started writing. Her name was obvious, an explanation of why she didn’t talk, and the plan for the day was too. But then, she paused, lifting the hand holding her chalk to her chin. What else should she say? And then it occurred to her.
She quickly wrote the rest of it out, though it took the entire rest of the board. It was probably pretty basic and an overused tactic, but she wanted to try to make introductions fun. So, when the kids started filing in, she motioned them to the bleachers, one hand on her hip, and a ball in her hand. Passing a ball around to make the introductions a little more fluid could help right?
She hoped so.
First Person Sample:
For my classes: The week’s forecast predicts rain in the middle of the week. Don’t be surprised if we have to have indoor activities. No they won’t be easier.
This weekend is supposed to be clear. I’d like to take a small trip to the Forest of Night and Day Woods. Anyone is welcome to come with me. Extra credit will be given though.
We will meet in the courtyard at noon Saturday. Let me know if you want to come soon. I need an estimate.