
Jan 26, 2005 21:00

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Comments 7

xsickshoe January 28 2005, 20:10:34 UTC
haha HOW CUTE. those quiz things are reallyy addictive! ;D


xpiromaniacx56 January 28 2005, 22:46:39 UTC
yea they are !!!


_blinkx_ January 29 2005, 14:39:54 UTC
The future President xsickshoe
Movie Star _blinkx_
Rapist greenxdayx
Garbage Man _blinkx_
Prostitiute/Gigalo ihateyou
School Teacher xsickshoe

LMAO! <33. o0o yesh im gunna be one hott garbage man..LOL daniella will be a rapist.. watch out. o0o shannon will be a prostitute! kristin will deff. be the sexiest president ;-) <333.


_darkenedxroze_ January 29 2005, 17:40:06 UTC
LMAO!!! hahaha Garbage man!! I'll pay you when you come and pick up my garbage!!! lmao!! <3*

Love ya!<3*


xsickshoe January 29 2005, 18:51:07 UTC
hahaha!! you'll be the hottest garbage man! ;D <33


xpiromaniacx56 January 31 2005, 20:40:49 UTC
yea you will be one hott garbage women. and everyone better watch out Daniella might rape you in a dark ally way. Shannon will make the most money out of all the prostitutes.. and Kristin will be the bestest president ever..


_darkenedxroze_ January 30 2005, 16:23:05 UTC
lmao!!! oh yes!!!


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