today we're going to be true to my Scottish heritage. how Scottish am i? i wore a kilt for my wedding. and since i've been trying some different stuff here of late in the kitchen, i thought it was time for a classic Scottish dish.
the classic Scottish sausage. and fortunately i live here in the poor neighborhood, so i can get my hands on all of the pieces to this dish without too much trouble over at Duc Loi and OCMG.
1 cleaned sheep stomach bag (OK, i had to order this special)
1 lb. mutton
1 lb. mutton liver
1 mutton heart
2 lbs. dry oatmeal
1 large chopped onion
1/2t cayenne pepper
1/2t allspice
1/2t salt
1/2t pepper
2C chicken stock
1. open a beer
2. you'll want to cut the mutton into a small dice.
3. drop the liver in boiling water for 2-3 minutes, then mince
4. repeat for the heart
5. toast oatmeal slowly until crisp.
6. mix all ingredients (except sheep bag) together.
7. add stock.
8. fill the sheep bag to just over 1/2 full, then press out the air, and then you wanna sew this up securely.
9. prick the haggis all over with a large pin so it doesnt burst while cooking.
10. i've got my wok filled here with water, and i'm gonna boil this sucker slowly for about 4-5 hours.
11. serve with usque. lots of usque. gallons of usque.
great recipe, except that i got a late start on it. gads, its 7:45 already. 4-5 hours cooking time means that, by the time this dish is ready, it wont be April Fools day anymore.