he never calls when he says he will.. and this makes me sad

Jun 18, 2005 12:34

so i had this huge update that i was gonna post but my stupid fuckin computer froze. i fuckin hate when that happens. and theres no way im going to even attempt to try to retype all of it. im in a bad mood for some reason. and todays only fuckin saturday so i wont see peter until tomorrow night unless the faggots hes with want to come home early, ( Read more... )


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Comments 4

dreamsdiexxhard June 18 2005, 18:14:05 UTC
don't worry, my summer was so horrible for the first two and a half weeks I was seconds away from locking myself in my room for the rest of it, but then my friend got back in town and things seem to finally be looking up. and plus, seeing your boyfriend less will make it that much better when you do see him!


xprovemewrongx June 19 2005, 03:20:53 UTC
yeah but it just sucks. i dont undersatnd why he tells me he'll call me back and doesnt. sigh oh well. whatever. being in relationships has pretty much always just been a huge disappointment for me, why should this one be any different.


kitties_whore June 19 2005, 21:04:46 UTC
That's life for you.


xprovemewrongx June 20 2005, 14:07:40 UTC
unfortunitly yes... i know i spelled that wrong. oh well what else is new


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