i have a problem that i cannot explain

Jun 23, 2005 12:03

i want a kitten so i think im going to go to jenn's house today and get one. and fuck what my parents say. like i give a shit anymore. plus having a kitten would give me something to do all day since the days get pretty boring. jenns at work right now so im going to call her at three and she better answer her cell phone. cuz lets just say she has a ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

dreamsdiexxhard June 23 2005, 16:29:43 UTC
I read it.!
and kittens = best thing ever.


xprovemewrongx June 23 2005, 16:33:32 UTC
aw well thanks for reading it. your one of the few.

i know, i cant wait to get my kitten today. ill prolly take pictures and post them.


iamnothing13 June 24 2005, 00:48:10 UTC
a lot of people read this thing. what else would i do in my spare time if i couldnt nose around into others thoughts, jk. despite what you think, people care what you have to say and what you are thinking. thats the reason for this thing. shit, even i have one and i could really care less if anyone reads it, even if no one reads it, it still gives me a release and im sure it does the same for you. please keep updating because i really do like to hear what you have to say. And you'd better believe im playin with that kitten.


yeah ... what matt said halos_n_horns June 24 2005, 01:46:36 UTC
i can understand, i feel no one reads my journal but i dont care. i write to myself because maybe im the only one who will understand what i say. to remember some of the memories, and the best part keep in touch with friends.
i seldom browse threw my friends journals.
... but your more than welcome to browse threw mine.


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