the last few nights... were not real. last night especially. what the fuck.
my life is at the lowest it's been, i think. but i still have my five best friends who mean the fucking world to me, and if it weren't for them.. who knows.
i need something in my life. i dont know what it is. i thought i did.
life is too confusing. i'll never have what i want. so.. i'll write about it.
minus the confusing side, life is great. im going for an interview at bank of america at 9am on thursday. i really could use that job. i'll just make so much more money to save to move the fuckkk out of here.
i don't know me and you don't know me you don't know you so we fit so good together because i knew you like i knew myself we clung on like barnacles on a boat even though the ship sinks you know you can't let go