Anise works as a Fon Master Guardian for The Order of Lorelei. One of her reasons for joining the Order, was to pay off the debts, that her parents had both been conned into. Anise's parents are gullible and ignorant, and sometimes, they are easily tricked. No matter how many times they were tricked, they never seem to learn their lesson. Nonetheless, her parents are gentle and kind by nature. Anise is a cheerful, happy go-lucky teenager, who wants to marry into royalty, or nobility, just for the money. That way, she could pay off the debts for her parents, if she married a rich aristocrat, and such. Anise was assigned to Fon Master Ion, the Order's head leader. In accepting that job, Anise sort of made enemies, with a young girl, who was reassigned, which her name was Arietta.
Anise's relationship with Arietta, is sour, and Anise calls her "Gloomietta" sometimes, and whenever they are together, the two of them could not get along. Arietta blamed Anise for taking Ion away from her, when the truth, Anise who found out later, that the reason Arietta was reassigned, was because, Ion himself, was a replica of the actual Fon Master, who died. When Anise first appears, she is working with Colonel Jade Curtiss, of the Malkuth Army, and delivering a peace letter to King Igobert VI. Anise meets Luke and Tear personally, when the two of them were held prisoners on Jade's land ship, the Tartarus. Anise was fond of rich nobles, and in Luke's case, he was a rich noble, the son of a Duke.
Anise immediately had grown attached to the young man, and would cling to him every so often, and ask him to marry her and such. Anise is pretty much a cheerful teenager, with a great personality, though rude and mean at times, but in her darker moments, when she is provoked. Anise hides her emotions when she is suffering, so none of her companions would know what was wrong with her. She is eager to marry into money, and really she ushers for him to marry her, and that she was free, whenever he wanted to. Anise is a doll master, and her doll, that hangs on her shoulders, Tokunaga can be turned into a fighting marionette and her ride when she is battle. She controls with by using different types of equippable magic rods, similar to Tear's.
Later in the game, as the story progresses, Anise is revealed to be the spy of Mohs, because her parents were in debt to Mohs, and owed him a large amount of the debt, and because of the that, the God-Generals were able to track Luke and his companions. Mohs had held her parents captive, in order to assure that Anise was agreeing to help him, and do as he pleases. When Ion dies, Anise feels great pain, and guilt for his death, because she believed that she was the one that caused it, even though, whatever she did, it was under force, and not by choice. As well as Anise feels more guilt, when they defeat Arietta in the Cheagle Woods, and her guilt of always having a rivalry with Arietta. Her companions did not blame her for what she and done, and welcomed her within their party with open arms. In the end, Anise gave up all possible reasons to marry for Money, and wanted to resolve herself, by rebuilding the Order of Lorelei for Ion's vision and wanting to become the first Female Fon Master