News Flash: I am ALL BETTER!!! like anyone really cares.
Haven't really done much in the last couple of days, just been working and hanging out with Ash, Sam, Kieran, and Chris. I went and seen Chris after I got out of work and then went over to Ashley's and hung out with her and Kieran for a little while. Today I didn't have to work so I cleaned the house and my room looks really good right now, you can see the floor! After my mom got home I had to go food shopping for tomorrow's picinic at the park, gas(fricken gas is $2.50!), and then went over to Chris's for a few hours. It is so funny when I try and leave he tries and makes me not leave, I feel so loved by him!! After Chris's I went over to Sam's and hung out with Bobby, Kieran, Dan Nida, Sam, and Ash. Fun times! Dan left and then Bobby and Kieran left after watching the first half of Napoline Dynomite because Bobby had never seen it before. Then Dan S came over and we all chilled and then I left. Now I am here. Man it does feel good to have a liscence and you can just go places and then also leave the places you are at at anytime! wonderful things.
Not to much else to update! Picinic thing tomorrow @ 3 so I am happy for that because I haven't hung out with these people in a long time and I miss them all! After that I am not sure what I am doing. Probably hanging out with Beth or Aleisha or Linz who knows. Sunday I am going with Ash and Sam to Ashley's Uncle Mikes surprise birthday party up north so that should be fun. Monday I don't have to work either and I am going to be hanging out with my girls and we might go shopping and denny's or whatever! Then around hopefully 8 or so I am gonna try and go to Chris's so we can watch Hell's Kitchen together. It's our little show we watch together either on phone or at his house.
Now on to a rant!!
I like it how when you think you are best friends with people and hang out in a little group together but then come to find out that only 3 of the 4 people hang out and so far the one person out if me! Thanks!! Not loved! Also not informed when plans are made so I don't find out till last minute! What is the deal with that?!?! Why is no one talking to me?! Not understanding it at all! I thought we were a group and then I come to find out that I am the one left out!! Grr!! Also calling me up at 11:30 at night to go to Denny's is not so easy for me seeing as how I am sick and when I am sick I go to bed early!! Sorry but I kinda need to know these things a few hours before!!! Just not loved!*Linz this is not directed towards you at all in anyway. BTW I saw you coming out of you subdivision tonight!! I was pulling in to come over to Sam's, I waved but I know you had a lot on your mind*
Well I guess this whole thing is done with! I really don't know how things are going these days with people or anything. I still haven't done any of those things that I had on a list from a few entries back. Man I am a procrastinator!!! I still need to call LCC and take placement tests!!! Then also call Humane Society and make an appointment for my kitten to get spayed and possibly declawed. Poor thing is going to hate me! Also I guess Menards isn't hiring right now so can't get a job their, oh well there's plenty of other stores I can check out around here! Man trying to get a decent job is hard!! But it doesn't help that I don't always have a car and I am a big procrastinator!
I am going!! GOOD NIGHT EVERYONE!!!!